Two New Borderlands 3 Events Launch Today

Two New Borderlands 3 Events Launch Today
This short-term event will offer you better loot, the details are in the article.
With a new update for Borderlands 3 , the legendary vending machine will introduce not one but two new events as the limited-time event is out of the game. The event that made the legendary loot in the slots will come to an end and will be replaced by Slot Machine Mania and Trials Take-All. According to the patch notes, Slot Machine Mania will increase your chances of winning legendary items from slot machines, but also increase the chance of grenades spawning. Less valuable gains may still appear, but these odds have been greatly reduced. The other event, Trials Take-All, increases the chance of rewards during Proving Ground trials. Both events begin today and will run until April 9 at 9:00 PT.

This is an update following the release of Guns, Love and Tentacles, the game's second major expansion. While she doesn't really explore the problematic aspects of Lovecraft, she does bring a Lovecraftian menace in the middle of a happy wedding ceremony. The patch that released the DLC increased the level cap to 57, which Gearbox says will greatly increase the endgame power level by allowing players to use two capstone skills instead of just one. If you don't have Borderlands 3 yet , you can buy it directly from the link below.

Click to buy Borderlands 3 now!

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