You Can Try The Elder Scrolls Online For Free

You Can Try The Elder Scrolls Online For Free
ESO offers a free trial until 13 November, details are in the article.
The Elder Scrolls Online has been constantly releasing new content and updates since its launch in 2014, but if you haven't had a chance to catch it in the last five years, you can try it now for free. ZeniMax Online is offering a free trial for PC , PS4 and Xbox One until November 13 . Once the trial period is over, you can play the entire game with the character you created by purchasing the product, named after the Elsweyr expansion, on our site.

ESO had a rough launch, but it was constantly spinning and updating with moves as Bethesda released the console and dropped the mandatory subscription. It has grown steadily since then and now continues its success with a total of 13.5 million registered players. The studio also has long-term plans, which it says have a roadmap going forward. The latest expansion, launched in June, introduced a mage class and a new storyline featuring dragons. It's been called "The Season of the Dragon" and includes the mysterious Elsweyr region.

Click to buy The Elder Scrolls Online now!

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