Yone Coming to the Valley with LoL 10.16 Patch!

Yone Coming to the Valley with LoL 10.16 Patch!
Now we will often hear jokes like "Ne Yone", the details are in the article.
Riot Games continues to enchant players with the updates it has made this season without giving up its caution. The newest update, patch 10.16, is here! The Riot Games developers are doing their best to prepare for the World Championship and are providing a lot of minor updates and tweaks to the game that won't spoil the course of the meta. We can say that they are very careful in this regard, because changing the meta of the game can completely change the fate of matches such as the World Championship and many other tournaments, matches, so Riot Games developers are very cautious when editing and aim to get the best result.

With the new patch, some ADC (Sniper) champions and some jungle champions are updated. These champions are strengthened by Miss Fortune, Tristana, Lucian in the role of ADC and Hecarim, Skarner, Evelynn in the role of Forester, with the incoming buff they will become even stronger as if they were not strong at all. Of course, if a patch does not have a nerf, it would not be correct to call that update a patch. It is planned to increase the effective selection scale by weakening some frequently preferred champions, so your chances of fighting will be higher than ever. Greatly highlighting the strengths of some champions, making them clearer about their current kit and gameplay.

Patch Highlights


Fixed Bugs and Quality Changes
  • LOL CLIENT: Fixed a bug that caused the last line to appear incomplete depending on where the chat is focused.
  • LOL CLIENT: Fixed a bug where item tooltips in the Item Sets section were not always displayed.
  • LOL CLIENT: Fixed a bug where the "Failed to retrieve settings" message was displayed more than intended.
  • LOL CLIENT: Less used parts of the client no longer load until clicked. This shortens the client startup time.
  • Adjusted the attack range of artillery minions on both sides to be the same.
  • When Kennen dies by the explosion of Shaco's R - Hallucination clone immediately after casting his E - Thunderbolt, the ability is no longer automatically replaced by E2 - Thunderbolt (cancel button).
  • Fiddlesticks' R - Crow Swarm no longer continues to deal full damage when the champion dies as soon as they teleport to the target location.
  • Shen is no longer able to cancel all items he received before the cast was complete after he had bought items and cast R - Strength in Unity.
  • Darius' W - Bone Breaker empowered attack now deals the correct amount of damage to a spell shielded target.
  • Sejuani's Q - Pole Strike + basic attack combo now properly triggers Electrify.
  • Lillia's walking and running animations no longer continue to play repeatedly when given new movement commands.
  • Basic attacks cast after Blitzcrank's Q - Rocket Hand and Amumu's Q - Winding Shot now grant stacks of Conqueror, Electrify, and Enthusiasm of Speed.
  • Pulsefire Ezreal's VFX now display correctly in Spectator Mode.
  • Hitting an enemy champion while Shyvana's W - Whirlwind is active now grants two stacks of Conqueror.
  • Rek'Sai's Q - Queen's Wrath empowered basic attacks no longer fail when cast shortly after using R - Void Rush.
  • Fixed the sound effects for Sivir's Passive - Strength to Base ability on all skins.
  • Fixed the Slash of Dawn's reset sound effect for Nidalee's Passive - Prowl.
  • Kha'Zix and Rengar's in-game Hunt Has Begun! Completing the quest now makes the corresponding sound effect play on all skins.
  • All skins now play idle sound effects using base skins' files.

Coming Soon Skins
Spirit Flower RivenSpirit Flower Cassiopeia
Spirit Flower AhriSpirit Flower Yone

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