What's New in League of Legends 11.1 Patch Notes

What's New in League of Legends 11.1 Patch Notes
More champion buffs and debuffs are coming at the start of season 11.

Riot Games previewed Patch 11.1 last month , keeping us informed of the many changes coming to champions and items at the start of the new season. With the patch coming on January 6, 6 new champions will join the Lol champion list. Game design director Mark " Scruffy " Yetter announced today that Ivern, Graves, Taliyah, and Malphite are ready to receive nerfs, while Sivir and Varus will be buffed.

The nerfing of Ivern and Graves shouldn't come as a surprise to players trying out the new pre-season items. Specifically, Ivern 's Q will have a two second increase in cooldown at all ranks, and lowering the AP ratio on his E will see a base AD decay from 68 to 66, making it a little harder to get into the jungle early. These two jungle characters have been prevented from accessing new legendary and legendary items, making them harder to play at each tier.

While Malphite and Taliyah were decent picks, they were still strong in the preseason . Malphite's W armor damage ratio reduced by 5 percent, E armor ratio reduced by 10 percent. Taliyah is growing in the jungle due to roam pressure, so her passive movement speed is reduced.

Sivir and Varus will finally get some attention in the ADC role with this fix. The two champions, such as Jhin , Samira , and Miss Fortune, were not included in the priority selections. Alongside flat damage, Sivir will be given an extraordinary amount of base mana, up to 325, and her Q will be increased to help her stay in the lane better early on . Varus has five mana costs reduced at all ranks of his Q and takes a lower cooldown at early levels.

As we move towards the start of the new season, Patch 11.1 looks to completely shake up the League meta. Be sure to check out the other changes coming to champions and items in the first patch of the year.

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