What is the most damaging SMG weapon in PUBG Mobile?

What is the most damaging SMG weapon in PUBG Mobile?
SMGs are great melee weapons in PUBG Mobile. SMGs are a great choice for indoor and pre-game fights.

PUBG Mobile has a large collection of weapons in its arsenal . Among the various categories of weapons in the game, submachine guns are one of the best for close range combat.

SMGs generally have a very high rate of fire and a good book size. These weapons also have good damage figures, but are not effective at long ranges. SMGs are better than pistols and are a great choice for indoor and early game fights.

UMP-45: The highest damage machine gun in PUBG Mobile


UMP-45 is the SMG with the highest damage rate in PUBG Mobile

Ammo type: .45 ACP;

Firing Modes: Single, Burst, Auto;

Availability: Common

The Universal Machine Pistol, commonly known as the UMP-45 , is a high-damage and efficient SMG in PUBG Mobile. The highest damaging machine gun in the battle royale game. The hit damage is 41 and the initial projectile speed is 360 m / s.

The UMP-45 is considered the most stable SMG in PUBG Mobile and is also the most preferred SMG after assault rifles. It is a versatile gun with a book, magazine size that can be augmented using the Extended Mag or the Extended QuickDraw Mag.

One of the features that makes the UMP-45 so good is its high rate of fire of 0.092 seconds. It is quite efficient in close range fights, but can also work at medium ranges thanks to its compatibility with higher numbered scopes such as 4x and 6x.

That's why the UMP-45 is the highest damage SMG in PUBG Mobile and is a good weapon to use in-game.



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