What are the features that distinguish Riot Games' FPS Game Valorant from Other FPS Games?

What are the features that distinguish Riot Games' FPS Game Valorant from Other FPS Games?
Why should you play Valorant, how is it different from other FPS games? Details are in the article.
Does the fact that a game is very well developed means that it will be loved by the players? Or let's ask, does the fact that a game is very well developed means that anyone can play it? Here in this article, we have considered it appropriate to cover some games and include this subject. As you know, Ubisoft , Valve , Blizzard and Riot Games are the leaders in the game industry among the companies with a huge budget, although Riot Games is excluded in this regard, it has managed to gain great prestige by developing the language of the players and the games in a way that everyone can play, and continues to add new ones to its success.

Riot Games recently released Valoranthas announced its new game called, and in this game, there are great inspirations from the games of the companies we just mentioned ( Rainbow Six Siege , Overwatch and CS: GO ), but what makes Valorant different from the games of all these companies?

As you know, ValorantIt is a newly announced tactical FPS game. So what's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of tactical FPS? Apart from the personal performance of the players, it means the performance that the game and the gameplay give you. The games of the companies we have mentioned are of course very well developed games, of course, valuable games in the eyes of the players, but they are games that have minor problems at some points. Of course, it is inevitable for the games to have minor problems, keeping them constantly updated and improving them should also be inevitable. Here is the point that makes Riot Games stand out from other companies.

CS:GO , Rainbow and OverwatchDeveloped games that appeal to large audiences are games that are user-friendly and need to be constantly improved, of course, these alone are not enough. There are many factors that directly help these games to be successful, these are as follows; In-game general FPS performance, server stability, anti-cheat / cheat protection, gameplay, innovation, etc. many factors. Of course, other games improve themselves in the same way, but it cannot be said that they have achieved such successful results in the mentioned factors.

Riot Games , new game ValorantThis point promises us these. Expressing that we can trust the game, he offers a kind of guarantee that he will be quite successful in all these factors. So, what kind of features does a game need to be good? For example, what would be the benefit of having 128-tick rate servers and 128 tick rate servers? Tick ​​rate has an important place for competitive online FPS games. So much so that even if your internet connection is bad compared to other players, you will not feel this difference on 128 tick rate servers, in the same way, it even affects the way your bullets go while shooting in the game.

Another important factor is the FPS value taken in the game. FPS values ​​are also one of the important factors in tactical competitive FPS games, the better the FPS performance your computer and the game offer you in a game, the better you can play. Of course, this situation requires some skill at the average level, just playing with high FPS on 128 tick rate server does not mean that you will play very well, but it will add a significant effect to your game. Riot Games states that it can perform 30 FPS and above even on computers that can be classified as the worst at this point, and I guess we don't need to mention that this will create a pretty good result? You can view the system requirements by class below.

On the lowest system (30fps): 
  • Operating system: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
  • RAM: 4GB CPU: Intel i3-370M
  • GPU: Intel HD 3000 (1GB VRAM)

On recommended system (60fps):
  • Operating system: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
  • RAM: 4GB CPU: Intel i3-370M
  • GPU: Intel HD 3000 (1GB VRAM)

Max / on modern system (144+ fps):
  • Operating system: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
  • RAM: 4GB CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2Ghz
  • GPU: Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti (1GB VRAM)

Another major factor is the issue of detecting, penalizing or preventing people who use the game with malicious intent and who use cheats to prevent people playing the game in the shortest possible time and in the most effective way. Riot Games showcases this best in its League of Legends game. Having too many cheats in the games you play will negatively affect you no matter how good the servers are and your FPS performance, no matter how good your personal skill is. At this point, Riot Games has done and continues to do a very successful job in League of Legends , and it will undoubtedly continue the same dedication and success for Valorant .

After all this is provided, everything you need is now available to you, all you have to do is play and improve your personal performance. Are you ready to play Valorant in the face of all these features that Riot Games offers you ? Buy now discounted Valorant RP!

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