Valorant: Riot Games adds Left hand view mode to Patch v1.11

Valorant: Riot Games adds Left hand view mode to Patch v1.11
Riot Games has officially released Patch v1.11 for Valorant and it brings a few big changes to the Agent classes. However, Riot Games announced that Valorant will finally have a left-hand tracking mode in the game.

Valorant Patch 1.11 has been officially released with a host of new changes to the game. The First Strike Tournament sponsored by Riot Games continues. New Agent - Skye has officially entered Valorant . After the successful launch of the new Icebox map, players are looking forward to experiencing these latest changes.

Now, Riot Games has finally added a left-handed viewing mode to Valorant . In a previous Q&A session, the community asked if left-handed mode was possible. Valorant developers have responded by reassuring the community that this will happen in the future.

Riot Games finally adds Left-handed vision mode to Valorant

Here's what Riot Games said on the subject:

"We know this is something many players want and we're doing some research into it. We currently see it as indispensable not only from a technical standpoint but also as part of competitive play."

However, with these additions in Valorant, the game is about to get a lot more competitive. Riot Games will implement quality of life changes for the game



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