Valorant Patch 5.03: Chamber Nerf, Neon and Jett Update

Valorant Patch 5.03: Chamber Nerf, Neon and Jett Update
Valorant's popular agent, Chamber, is getting some major nerfs in patch 5.03 to make it more balanced in the current roster.

Valorant 's popular agent , Chamber , is getting some major nerfs in patch 5.03 to make it more balanced in the current rosterBased on the results of the last Masters event in Copenhagen, we can all agree that in its current state, Chamber has dominated its competition. And to fix that, the balancing department at Riot is trying to take away some aspects of its power. Based on the PBE patch notes , almost every part of his kit is getting a nerf withupcoming 5.03 update .


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Valorant 5.03 Patch Details

Alongside Chamber, Neon and Jett will receive some minor changes to lessen the effect of their damaging ultimate abilities. Suffice to say it would be interesting to see how it affects the agent meta in Valorant .  



As Valorant 's players , both ranked and pro , mastered the Chamber, its strengths began to overshadow its weaknesses. So much so that Chamber's overall strength has become too large, and the competition with the rest of the roster doesn't seem to be perfectly balanced.

Meeting (E)

  • Base Cooldown increased by 20s >>> 30s
  • Comeback Cooldown increased by 20s >>> 30s
  • Cooldown is set to 45 seconds when a Rendezvous teleporter is destroyed
  • Effective area size reduced 21m >>> 15m

Chamber's Rendezvouswas intended to be strong at holding area, butthe change in this patch 5.03 will require more effort from Chamber as the area of ​​effect takes up more space than intended. This change also brings Chamber's destructible counterplay more in line with the behavior of other destructibles in the game.  

Business card (C)

  • Slow Duration decreased by 9.5 >>> 6 seconds

Sharp Style (X)

  • Required Final Score increased 7 >>> 8
  • Slow Duration decreased by 9.5 >>> 6 seconds

Headhunter (Q)

  • Bullet Cost increased by 100 >>> 150

It's pretty important that the Headhunter is a powerful side weapon for Chamber, but at the current price point, Chamber doesn't have to make as many meaningful economic decisions as other agents . This should most obviously affect Chamber's decision on pistol rounds and save ammunition.

♦ Ability Regional Damage Distribution

With patch 5.03 we're adding a "zone damage" to all abilities that affect certain body parts differently - similar to our weapons - so that precision is rewarded (e.g. headshot versus footstrike).


  • Damage per shot reduced 22 >>> 18
  • Kill zone increased by 15m >>> 20m
  • Leg hit multiplier reduced 1.0 >>> 0.85
  • Headshot multiplier increased 1 >>> 3



  • Sharp Style (X) Leg hit multiplier decreased 1.0 >>> 0.85


  • Bladestorm (X) Leg hit multiplier reduced 1.0 >>> 0.85


When will Valorant patch notes 5.03 be released?

Valorant patch 5.03 will be released on August 9, 2022.

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