VALORANT Night Market Established!

VALORANT Night Market Established!
Riot Games announced the VALORANT Night Market 2021 event on July 28. In this article, we have gathered everything you need to know about this limited-time event, where you can find 6 random skins at a discounted price!

Although the initial entry barrier is quite low due to VALORANT's free play, the purchases in the game are quite high. If you want to use a decent weapon or look stylish, you have to open the mouth of the bag a little. Fortunately, for such situations, the Night Market comes into play. This event includes Riot Games offering players some high-end cosmetics in the game at a discount. About when the event will take place, the dev team say almost nothing until the release time. The Night Market, held in the first weeks of June last year,was eagerly awaited by the players. Last week, the developer team announced the event, which will start on the same day on July 28.

What is Valorant Night Market?

The Night Market event is an event that Valorant offers exclusively to its players. 6 weapon skins that appear randomly for each user are offered at a discounted price. The event first started in December 2020 and was met with an extremely positive response. In February 2021, the Night Market was remastered with a few updates. The event, which was held on 7 April and 2 June, has now met with the players again on 29 July.

Night Market Prices

Unfortunately, it is not possible to know in advance what the pricing will be, as the players do not know which skins they will encounter at the event. We think that this obscurity is one of the reasons why the actors show such interest in the Night Market . It is a fact that the "Special Store" system in League of Legends, which works with a similar principle, is also loved by the players.

Entry to Valorant Night Market

You can access the Night Market by clicking the card-shaped logo in the upper right corner of the game's opening screen. You can see the logo glow to catch your attention. After clicking this icon, you will be able to access many discounted products. All you have to do is flip the cards that appear, and then you will be able to see which skin is discounted by what percentage. Additionally, you can tell the skin's tier by the color on the back of the card and the small shape on the bottom right. 


As can be seen from the list above, the blue circle represents the cheapest and, accordingly, the most common skins of the Night Market in Select Edition, while the inverted pentagon can not even predict what will come out of the Exclusive Edition! Each skin has its own special animation, reload, sound effect and death animation. Some may even evolve with the weapon as your weapon levels up, changing the weapon's appearance and reaction pattern.


►  Valorant Bulldog Weapon Guide


How to Open the Night Market?

Since the skins given in the Night Market are distributed exclusively to the player, it is not possible to know in advance which ones are discounted. But in December 2020, upon the negative reviews of the players, Riot Games immediately made a statement and stated that they gave a guarantee such as “Protection against Bad Luck”. The update, which they refer to as this protection, will ensure that players have at least two Premium skins in their discount pools and avoid buying two skins for the same weapon.

As it is known , Night Market is not an event that players can always access. Our advice to players is that if you see a skin you have thought of before in your own market, buy it at a discounted price. But instead of buying each skin just because it's a little cheaper, it may be better to save your savings for higher tier skins. Again, as it is known, you cannot change the skin offers after the Market is created for you, so making the best use of the opportunities you have will increase the enjoyment you will get from the game.

When Does Valorant Night Market End?

The event, which was previously held in April and June and normally takes 32 days, will only last until August 10 this time. We think the reason the time has been halved compared to previous events is to make room for later events.

► Click to Buy Discounted Valorant VP! 


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