Valorant Killjoy Issue Still Unsolved

Valorant Killjoy Issue Still Unsolved
It looks like Killjoy can still place her Turret in areas she shouldn't.
Another game-breaking glitch is plaguing Valorant and its players, this time from Killjoy . Killjoy players have found a way to hide the Turret and still allow it to shoot at the opponent. Inside the C window in Heaven, the Turret can be placed at the bottom of the map.

Naturally, we can see mistakes like this giving many Valorant players an unfair advantage. It's an exploit, but it's part of the game for now, so they don't see any issues doing it. In a way, most people think the more it's used and the more it's reported, the faster Riot Games will deal with it.

Riot Games Still Hasn't Resolved The Killjoy Issue

Despite the publicity this Killjoy Turret issue has received, Riot Games has yet to talk about it. With the First Strike Main Event taking place worldwide, Riot Games has a lot to deal with right now. However, this can affect the competition they engage in. Problems that need to be fixed and that need to be addressed immediately.

It is unknown if this glitch was caused by a glitch in the last patch or if it was there all along and is now popping up. The last time this many problems happened was just before the start of the NA First Strike Qualifiers. Patch 1.11 should have been completely rolled back. With the announcement of the Open Beta, we hope that issues like this Killjoy Turret malfunction can be avoided, as happened in League of Legends .

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