Try to Survive in They Are Billions

Try to Survive in They Are Billions
In the billions-future future, a zombie apocalypse is decimating all human species.

They Are Billions is a strategy game about building and managing human colonies billions or so in the distant future, after a zombie apocalypse has destroyed almost all human species. Only a few thousand people survived, now struggling to survive under the threat of infection.

Survival Mode:


In this mode, a random world is generated with its own events, weather, geography and infected population. You must establish a successful colony that must survive for a certain period of time against the infected swarms. It is a fast and ultra addictive game mod. A difficulty is planned in which all players must play the same random map. The best scores will be published in a leaderboard.

Paused Real Time:


This is a real time strategy game. You can pause the movement to make the best strategic and tactical decisions. In Pause Mode, you can place structures to be built and give orders to the army. In this game, the player's performance or the memorization and quick execution of dozens of important commands is about strategy, not player. Pause the game and get the time you need! 

Build your colony:


Build housing and buy food for colonies. Gather environmental resources using various building structures. Upgrade buildings to make them more efficient. Expand the colony 's energy distribution by deploying Tesla Towers and build factories and power plants to power your buildings. Build walls, gates, towers and structures to monitor the environment. Don't let the infected take over the colony!

Build an Army:

Train mercenaries to protect the colony . They demand your money and food and you should listen to the horrible comments, but these tortured heroes will be your best weapon to destroy the infected person . Each unit is unique and has its own abilities and personalities - you can discover them!

Thousands of On-Screen Units:


Make a noise and kill some of the incoming to access the oil field; Hundreds of people will come to investigate. Do you think your colony is safe? Expect those afflicted by the thousands of diseases circulating the world. Sometimes the colony is in its own way!

Preventing Infection:


If only one of the infected enters a building, all the colonies and workers inside become infected. Infected workers will then pretend to be rabid to infect buildings. Infections must be eliminated from the start, otherwise it will become exponentially impossible to bear.

4K Graphics:


Everything with thousands of frames and a crazy Steampunk and Victorian style to make the toughest moves!

Future Game Mode-(Campaign):

In the campaign mode you have to help the survivors recapture their country. There are dozens of missions with different purposes: building colonies, tactical missions, rescue missions. You can decide the progression and mission path - research new technologies, advancements and upgrades to improve your colonies and armies. This mod is currently being worked on and is expected to be available in the spring of 2018. 

If you want to buy this game, please click here .

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