Top Champions to Choose in Ranked Matches

Top Champions to Choose in Ranked Matches
With the LoL 11.11 patch, there are better champions to choose from in ranked matchmaking than other champions. These champions are very strong and high-win champions with the current meta.
Riot Games brings new patches for League of Legends every 15 days. With these patches brought to the game, balancing and regulation is provided on many champions. With each new patch, some champions are strengthened while others are weakened. League of Legends in researchMost of the players playing in ranked matches always prefer the same champions. In other words, a player aims to achieve success in ranked matches by playing hundreds of matches with a certain champion. This choice is a common misconception. The reason for this is that you may not be able to win your matches as the champion features that change in each patch will not match the choices you make and the meta. Therefore, choosing the champions suitable for the meta and making your choices according to your opponents is the main element that will help you win.


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LoL Patch 11.11 Top Ranked Champions

When it comes to ranked matches in League of Legends, you should make your choices carefully. Maintaining a persistent pick on a champion can result in a defeat in the game. You should make your choices compatible with your teammates, and in addition, you should evaluate them according to the opponent champion selections. In this article, we share the champions you can choose in ranked matchmaking specific to the LoL 11.11 patch meta. These champions are champions that are dominant and stronger than other champions in the current meta of the game. You can view the list of champions and their abilities below;

  • Wukong - Upper Lane
  • Xin Zhao - Forest Region
  • Qiyana - Middle Aisle
  • Kai'Sa - Shooter
  • Lulu - Support

All these champions have statistically higher win rates in ranked matchmaking than other champions. One of the main reasons for this is that certain champions are empowered or more effective than other champions in their current meta in the game. Based on the stats, you can get a better chance of winning with Wukong, Xin Zhao, Qiyana, Kai'Sa, and Lulu. The win rates of these champions alone are not enough, you have to work and improve yourself for this. The most effective way to achieve this is to set up a team or take part in a team. By having regular matches with your teammates, your harmony with each other will increase and this will have a positive effect on your matches.

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