Tips And Tricks For Playing Skye In Valorant

Tips And Tricks For Playing Skye In Valorant
We'll take a look at the traits and abilities of Skye, the recently added character to Valorant...

If you enjoy stalking and then hunting your opponents in Valorant, you should consider giving Skye a shot. The team's newest character provides plenty of utility to any team and does a great job of finding enemies and keeping them blind (literally). Skye has been in the game for a few weeks now and we've had a lot of luck learning about her and finding the most effective ways to play her. Here are some tips and tricks for Skye that you can use to get the most out of the spoiled Australian.

All of Skye's abilities are focused on helping her teammates. Here are our tips on how to use them.

Regrowth / Magnification

This is Skye's healing ability. Equips a healing device and can activate it to heal allies in the field of view within a certain radius. He has a limited amount of healing and can dissolve and reuse it as long as he has healing left.

Using it is very simple: if your allies are injured, heal them. Note that you can heal multiple allies at once. You can't use regrowth to heal yourself, so don't waste resources trying.

Trailblazer / Pioneer 

Skye takes control of her tiger and uses it to find enemies. The tiger can jump as it moves, and Skye can command it to jump at enemies and shake them. Skye is vulnerable when controlling the tiger, so only use this ability from a safe spot.

To find enemies, you must first use this ability. The tiger has no vision, but you can still tell if opponents are around if they shoot him before you see them. If you run into one, shake them up and shout out to your teammates so they can get in.

Guiding Light 

It's Skye's blindness and if you've ever bumped into her, you know how frustrating it is. Skye launches a falcon that she can detonate to blind everyone in her line of sight. If Skye blinds someone, she calls it "blind," so you know.

First and foremost, make sure you don't blind yourself or your teammates with this ability. Launch into corners or smokehouses where you suspect your enemies are hiding, and then detonate. Listen for Skye to say she bumped into someone and then step inside. You can use the Trailblazer to find out where enemies are hiding before you cast your blind as well.

Seekers / Seekers

This is Skye's ultimate and one of the best tracking tools in the game. He sends out three Seekers who will blind the enemies if they are not found and killed.

Use this when pushing or defending an area to investigate where enemies are hiding. You can also trap Seekers, as enemies will try to destroy them to avoid the blind. Follow them, find out where the enemies are and attack them with the Seekers. Always make sure to let your team know about your plan so they can follow along.

Skye is a great Agent to play in Valorant, so be sure to try her out for yourself and feel her skills. Just be careful not to blind your teammates too much!

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