Thoughtful Fall Guys Artwork

Thoughtful Fall Guys Artwork
Ever wondered about Fall Guy's anatomy? Here is an unforgettable piece of concept art that explains it.
Fall Guys developer Mediatonic has shared some new information about the popular battle royale game, and it's truly a work to behold. Authorized concept artist Tudor Morris has shared new art for Fall Guys that showcases a character anatomy. In this image, we can see that Fall Guy has a human-like skull, but the rest of his bone structures are more in line with a bird. Perhaps the most disturbing part of this image are the oblong pupils that are detached from their eye sockets.

Writing on Instagram, Morris assured people that they are "very happy little beans," even if their anatomy looks like it came out of a horror movie. "Sometimes I like to ruin beautiful things, and while I was working on Fall Guys , I provided some speculative anatomy work. I thought you all would like it as an interesting and beautiful piece of art," Morris said. “You have options on how to interpret this, but I refuse to comment to elaborate.” He continued, offering the following options;
  • 1) This was a drawing made during lunch that made no sense and was made as a joke.
  • 2) This is a canonical representation of what's inside the Fall Guy, they were known from the very beginning that they weren't that marketable and so they were dressed in cute little outfits.

Fall Guys may be Mediatonic 's biggest success yet, breaking PlayStation records, but it's taken the company a long time. Before Fall Guys , Mediatonic had released over 130 games.

Click to buy Fall Guys at a discount now!

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