Teemo Coming to Wild Rift

Teemo Coming to Wild Rift
Along with the Yordle event, many Yordle champions had joined the valley of the Wild Rift. After Lulu, Tristana, Kennen, Corki, Teemo is also coming to Wild Rift. Details are in the article.
Teemo , the highly anticipated champion of Wild Rift , will enter the valley with the Yordle event . In the event, which will run until January 29, four Yordle-based champions: Corki, Tristana, Lulu and Kennen have joined the mobile version of League of Legends in the past two weeks.

Wild Rift content sources announced that the most annoying champion is coming to the valley soon, in their shared posts. Teemo , popularly known as " Little Devil " , will be played before  the Star Guardian festival . Riot Games also introduced two skins that can be purchased for the champion to use, namely Cottontail Teemo and Little Devil Teemo.


What You Need to Know About Wild Rift's 2021 Season


Teemo's Wild Rift Abilities

While Teemo's abilities have not yet been officially released by the Wild Rift developers, you can view some information about the skill kit below, according to League of Legends .
  • Passive - Evil Fight: If
    Teemo stays where he is and does nothing for a short time, he becomes invisible for as long as he wants. While moving through the bush, Teemo can also become invisible and walk around without breaking his invisibility. After coming out of Incognito, he gains the Surprise Bonus and his Attack Speed ​​is increased for 3 seconds.

  • Q - Blinding Dart:
    Deals damage to the target with a powerful poison that affects the opponent's vision and blinds the target for the duration of the effect.

  • W - Rapid Step:
    Teemo begins to sprint, passively increasing his Movement Speed ​​until he is attacked by an enemy champion or turret. Teemo can sprint to gain an additional Movement Speed ​​bonus that he won't lose even if he is briefly hit.

  • E - Toxic Shot:
    Each of Teemo's attacks poisons the target, dealing damage on hit and for the next 4 seconds.

  • R - Dangerous Trap:
    Teemo shoots an explosive toadstool using one of the mushrooms he has hidden in his bag. If one of the opponents steps on the trap; A cloud of poison is released from the trap, slowing enemies and causing them to take damage. If Teemo throws a mushroom on another mushroom on the ground, the mushroom he threw will bounce, gaining bonus range.

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