Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Sells Nearly 4 Million Copies

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Sells Nearly 4 Million Copies
Sekiro, the successful game that has come to the fore with the difficulty level of recent times, has sold approximately 4 million copies, the details are in the article.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is the newest FromSoftware game, as of June 2019 , it has sold 3.8 million units on the market for over three months . Worldwide figures are sold, counted electronically on banderols, thereby determining the net figures sold to retailers. Approximately 4 million comps may seem like little, but it's still a big number for Activision, which is publishing the game.

Niko Partners senior analyst expert Daniel Ahmad pointed to the numbers on Twitter and noted that for comparison, the Dark Souls series as a whole had shipped 25 million copies as of June. Most of these sales came after the release of Dark Souls 3, which both sold well in their own right and raised the brand by releasing PC versions of older games. Sekiro got off to a hit start on March's second best-selling game, even though they only came out for a week before the big launch.

Afterwards, it made steady sales and left impressive impressions both in April and May. Sekiro has a generally hard-timed combat system, a feature similar to From's other games. We can say that what makes the game so beautiful and attractive is the degree of difficulty.

Buy Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice now!

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