Ruined King Guide: 6 Important Things to Know

Ruined King Guide: 6 Important Things to Know
In the Ruined King guide, we've covered the basics for beginners or those looking to get started. Happy reading.

Welcome to the Ruined King starter guide, an RPG game developed by Airship Syndicate  . Set in Runeterra's Bilgewater and the Shadow Isles, the game features familiar LoL characters such as Braum, Yasuo and Ahri. The foundation of the game is based on the investigation of the disaster known as Black Mist. The common enemy of the Ruined King characters is Viego, the Ruined King, as you can imagine. 

Unveiled at a recent Riot event , Ruined King made a surprise debut, so we don't have the news loop like other games. That's why there are so many things you need to know before you start the game.

1) Loot a lot

Every part of the environment you see in Ruined King can be looted. Vases, chests and barrels are the usual suspects for looting. However, given how dense and detailed its environment is, it can be easy to miss some backup changes. Highlighting points of interest is really nice, especially if you're just getting started. Potions and equipment are not cheap, so you will need to collect all the gold you can find. In addition to the enemies, there are also NPCs to chat with in the game.


2) Check the map

Ruined King's map is much more useful than most game maps. Important landmarks are highlighted as soon as you enter an area, so it's hard to miss resources as long as you faithfully control the map. All the various vendors, quest givers and chests are laid out clearly for the player. Additionally, in the lower right corner is a dynamic indicator of what the emblems mean, and a tracker that shows when you have received each chest in that area.


3) Manage resources

Maintaining your health and mana while playing Ruined King is harder than it looks. Having plenty of mana and health potions on you at all times is essential if you want to keep yourself alive, but there are a few other ways to do this between battles as well. Resting points are spread across Bilgewater and completely restore both health and mana at no cost. Potions are expensive, so being frugal and playing at rest points will keep you some coins in your pocket.


The other main way to keep yourself healthy is the overload bar. Various abilities fill the overlapping red meter in the mana bar, and the abilities are drawn from that bar first. While this is good for maintaining mana, it's also a great way to get some free healing. Illaoi has some great healing abilities. In this way, it will help you to fill your life by using your quick abilities before entering combat and stretch your limited mana bar when the conflict is over.


4) Develop a structure

All Ruined King characters have their own abilities and ways to evolve them that come with levels, and in many ways these characters feel similar to League of Legends champions. Likewise, not all structures are created equal. For example, while Braum has some options to increase his damage, it's better to build him as a tank and CC character. Upgrade paths are also generally divided into two branches: benefit or damage.


For Yasuo's Sweeping Blade, this option gives an overload on hover. On Yasuo, overload can be used to increase abilities as well as temporary mana, so it synergizes well with his kit. Both options can be powerful, but you should choose one or the other. Skill points can be reassigned at any time.

5) Learn the Ruined King corridors

Hallways are very important in Ruined King but very different from LoL. Lane abilities can be used in three different ways: Speed, Balance, and Strength. Skills in the speed lanetake little time with a low payoff. The power laneis the opposite, with a long cooldown and a huge payoff. Balanceis the midpoint between the two. With that in mind, the actual effect of using abilities at different speeds is often less important than playing around Blessing or Danger zones planted in the lane. There's a lot of nuance that comes later in this system, but know that playing around regions and unleashing your characters' abilities at the appropriate times is a very important part of Ruined King combat.



►  Ruined King Lane Change Mechanic


6) Record continuously

Ruined King isn't very free when it comes to checkpoints, especially if you're doing side quests. The save is closely tied to the main story progression because dying against an enemy well above your level while exploring can wipe your progress. Ruined King can be challenging, especially on higher difficulties. With its surprisingly deep RPG mechanics, Ruined King may take some getting used to with all the systems available, but having a save point makes this learning process easier.

We have come to the end of the Ruined King guide for now. The game is currently available on PS4, Xbox One, Switch and PC platforms, with PS5 and Xbox Series X/S versions coming soon. Existing PS4 and Xbox One users will be able to upgrade to new versions for free. See you in another Ruined King guide!

► Click here to buy Ruined King A League of Legends Story at a discount !


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