Riot Outlines Major Item Changes Coming in League Of Legends Patch 10.25

Riot Outlines Major Item Changes Coming in League Of Legends Patch 10.25
The developers are preparing for the 2021 season.

League of Legends game design director Mark "Scruffy" Yetter detailed a long list of changes coming to Patch 10.25 next week, and outlined buffs and nerfs for 20 different items in last night's temporary patch preview.


I won't go into the details of the preview, but improving on updated and adequately performing items in the current patch will be better for understanding the 2021 pre-season thinking process.

Bandleglass Mirror, Imperial Mandate, Moonstone Renewer, Shurelia's Battlesong, and Locket of the Iron Solari will receive some feature tweaks in Patch 10.25 and their cost has been reduced. Luden's Storm and Talent Sick on Everfrost will be increased from 10 to 20.

The developers also show some love and affection to Immortal Shieldbow, Galeforce, Kraken Slayer, Rapidfire Cannon, Infinity Edge, and Zeke Convergence. Riot hasn't provided a detailed explanation of the changes to these items, but more will likely be discussed in the future.


As for nerfs, items that line up alone on a wide range of champions were targeted; Sunfire Aegis, Frostfire Gauntlet, Turbo Chemtank, Seekers Armguard, The Collector, and Muramana (on mages) received nerfs in the Patch. 10.25.

Riot will almost certainly provide more details on all these item changes later.

Patch 10.25 is scheduled to go live on Wednesday, December 9th.

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