PUBG Settings

PUBG Settings
PUBG settings differ for each player. You can go to the settings page of the game and make the selections that you find most suitable for you, such as sensitivity, binoculars, effect settings, sound settings.

PUBG has many language options, including Turkish, making it very easy to understand for players of all countries and ages. You can choose from the Pubg settings page for the language option you want to play the game in . On the same page, you can also make preferences for general settings, effects settings, graphics, controls, vehicle, sensitivity, collection, binoculars and sound settings.


PUBG Computer

PUBG is one of the popular games played online in the computer environment and the main purpose of the game is to survive. Your goal is to improve your character by gaining more loot by killing more people and to be in the top 10 list. In order for you to play the game in a computer environment, your computer's operating system and storage space must have some features, in short, the game must be uninstalled. PUBG, which can also be played with a console, gives the player all kinds of action and fun.

♦ PUBG Mobile System Requirements

PUBG Mobile PC system requirements;


  • Operating system: Windows 7,8,8.1 and 10
  • Processor: Intel Dual-core, AMD-1.8 GHz
  • Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600/9600GT or ATI/AMD Radeon HD2600/3600
  • RAM: 3GB
  • Storage: 2GB
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c


  • Operating system: Windows 7,8,8.1 and 10(64 Bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core I3 8100 or AMD-Ryzen 5 2600
  • Graphics: GTI Nvidia GTX 660, GeForce GTX 1050, AMD Radeon HD 7850
  • RAM: 8GB DDR4 Ram Corsair Vengeance
  • Storage: 120GB ADATA SSD or 1TB HDD
  • DirectX: Version 11

PUBG Mobile Android system requirements;

  • Android 5.1.1 and above
  • 2GB of RAM
  • 3GB memory space

PUBG Mobile iOS system requirements;

  • iOS 9 or later
  • iPhone 5 or later
  • 3GB memory space


►  What is PUBG? How to Play PUBG?


Equipment Boost with PUBG Center

In the game, each person has a character created by himself, and there are platforms where you can buy costumes or other materials that will be useful in the game, apart from the loot and weapons you will find during the game to improve this character. If you want to have the best hardware for the game at the most affordable prices, you are at the right address. You can buy costumes, weapons, skins and 25% discounted UC from the Foxngame Pubg Center section and help your character develop.


PUBG Mobile Pc Field Line

PUBG, the most action-packed game of recent times, promises to have a fun time for people of all generations with its flawless visual effects and non-stop pace. Pubg mobile can be played easily on any device, regardless of pc.

When the game starts and the players land on the island, they must move within a certain area. This rule is called the field line. If players trying to survive and destroy their opponents along the field line go out of the field without noticing, their health quota starts to decrease. For this reason, you must be careful not to go outside the field line, otherwise your character will be dead when your health quota is empty. As the players lose their lives, the boundaries of the field line change and begin to narrow gradually. The purpose of the field line is to activate each player in the game to make it more fun and to prevent the players from surviving by hiding.

The field line has certain actions in the game. Players who have to stay in a certain area throughout the game sometimes try to stay inside the area that suddenly starts to shrink. If they can't get into the line quickly, the area they're out of will turn blue. Another action that may occur in the area is that some areas start to be bombed when they turn red. Players try to survive by protecting themselves from these bombs.

Click here to buy discounted PUBG Mobile UC now!


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