Outriders Cross-Platform Gameplay Support

Outriders Cross-Platform Gameplay Support
A few changes have been made with the new update of developer People Can Fly. These changes are brought in an update that includes in-game class debuffs and cross-platform gameplay support. Details are in the article.
On the Outriders front, developments continue to come. People Can Fly recently made information about cross-platform cross-play support on its twitter account , and also informed the players by sharing the new update notes. The update, which does not only include cross-play support , was included in Outriders with many in-game balancing and adjustments, but these changes and balances brought by the developer company drew the reaction of some players. Players expressed their dissatisfaction by stating that developer People Can Fly made this weakening based on complaints from publishers and content producers, and they did not like this situation.


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Outriders Cross-Platform Support

With the new update, Outriders will now offer support among both PlayStation and PC players . Assuming that this development is provided with a little delay, other platform players will have to wait for the new update in the same way. Developer People Can Fly stated that this delay is a necessary process and that Xbox has disabled gameplay support along with other platforms.

The company, which did not specify a clear date for the new update, stated that they hope to arrive in this patch as soon as possible. He also stated that before the new update, if deemed necessary, it will be announced via official social media accounts. We hope these updates come as soon as possible for players who love the game.

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