New "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" Update

New "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" Update
Removed Night Maps from Hardcore Modes.

Infinity Ward has released the full patch notes for the newest update to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare . Most of the update is geared towards general bug fixes and balancing changes, but it also makes map changes in Hardcore multiplayer modes.

The most notable change is the removal of all night maps from Hardcore modes. Both Hardcore difficulty and night maps are among the newest additions to Infinity Ward's first-person shooter . The patch notes don't mention when night maps might be added again.

We don't continue with the bad news because this update adds some content to the game as well. Shoot House 24/7 is making a comeback, replacing Crash 24/7. The Docks are also returning to the Gunfight map rotation, adding Grazna Raid to Hardcore Team Deathmatch and Arklov Peak to Hardcore Center with Hardcore Team Deathmatch.

All these changes and more are noted in the full notes listed below. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available for Xbox One, PS4 and PC . In GameSpot's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Review, Kallie Plagge says, “ Modern warfare takes old observations and presents them with new embellishments. These new embellishments make for a good campaign and solid multiplayer.” it falls short. "

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare December 6 Update Patch Notes:

Shoot House 24/7 is back! (Replaces 24/7 Crash)
Night maps removed from hardcore modes
Added Dock back to Gunfight map rotation Added
Grazna Raid and Arklov Peak to Hardcore TDM
Arklov Peak added to Hardcore Hub

General Fixes
Players will return to the main menu when trying to view a weapon's weapon details in the Missions tab. This has been fixed.
Have cargo ship clipped from playable area in Docks
In some cases, players were unable to see or drop the opposing team's Counter UAV. This has been fixedFix
for VTOL sound that persists after being hitFixed
for a collision that can occur when firing and firing the AK-47 with the launcher and Fully Charged perk.
Fix for world model "Jack Frosty" and "Old Wounds" that looked different from Armory / Gunsmith models
Special Actions: "Reward Only" - Fix for HVT truck crashing into parts of the map
Special Actions: Survival - Resurgent flare doesn't work as intended


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