LoL Jungle Zone Will Be Revived

LoL Jungle Zone Will Be Revived
Riot Games recently released the new gameplay agenda for League of Legends. The developer company, which is considering going for diversity in the forest region, shared information on the subject. Details are in the article.

Riot Games recently brought the 11.8 patch update of League of Legends to the valley . The main goal of the patch was to include different variations in the forest zone in order to further revitalize and animate the forest zone . The developers of the game think that the system to be developed in this regard should focus on champions that are common in other lanes and that many players are experienced with. The champions considered as a beginner are; Morgana, Diana, Zed, Darius became Mordekaiser . In this way, players who have a certain experience on the mentioned champions will be able to determine their strategies comfortably without having to play the champions of the forest region.

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Significant Changes Could Be Waiting for Us in 11.9 Patch

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League of Legends | Forest Zone Arrangement

The fact that the champions in the forest region of League of Legends are limited or that the players do not turn to new champions except for certain champions reduces the forest role preferences. To prevent this, the developers think the solution is to identify alternative champions that can take on the jungler role. Purpose ; to offer an alternative to both the diversity of the forest region and the players who want to play in this region but have little experience with different champions.  While Riot Games developers increase this diversity, they aim to bring only alternative and possible choices without changing the roles of the champions.

In addition to the main roles of the champions, the considerations in the selection of the champions were to filter the champions with the appropriate skill set for the jungle region . In addition to all these, attention is paid to champions that do not lose their effect outside the forest region, and will not be too strong with the extra power they will gain. With these changes, a new vitality will be brought to the forest region of the game. In this way, we will be able to see new game strategies and gameplay, and we are sure that this change will carry the game to a better point. It will also be equally fun and interesting to see these picks on a professional level and to watch these picks in professional matches.

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