LoL 11.5 Patch Notes - Viz Buzz Series Costumes

LoL 11.5 Patch Notes - Viz Buzz Series Costumes
No new costumes were included in the 11.4 patch released in the past weeks. With the release of the LoL 11.5 patch notes, new Viz Viz series skins were included in the game. Details are in the article.

Riot Games reduced the overall strength of the jungle in patch notes 11.4, weakening jungle camp rewards to make games feel 'less dictated by the strength of the jungle', while in patch notes 11.5 jungler characters like Sejuani and Master Yi have been buffed and made more effective. Power balancing has been achieved in the valley for the already strong Udyr and Rammus. In the 11.5 patch update, which brought many nerfs and buffs with it, variety in the item lineup was also introduced. No new costumes were included in the 11.4 patch , but a sweet, pollen or pollen costume was promised for the 11.5 patch, and with the new patch update, the Buzz Buzz skin line was included in the game. If you want to buy Viz Viz series costumes at the most affordable prices, you can buy discounted LoL RP here .

LoL 11.5 Patch Notes and Details



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Weakened (Nerf) Champions

  • Azir
    - W's sand troop damage decreased: 1-18. at levels 60-160  → 1-18. at levels 50-150
  • Gragas
    - Q cost flattened: 60/65/70/75/80 Mana  → 80 Mana
  • Rammus
    - Base health growth decreased: 95  → 80
  • Rell
    - Base armor decreased: 35  → 32
    - W - Hard Landing cooldown increased: 11 seconds  → 13 seconds
    - W - Mount Ridge cooldown increased: 11 seconds  → 13 seconds
  • Seraphine
    [Removed] Passive reduced damage to consecutive note hits. 
    [New] Allies' notes now deal 25% of Seraphine's note damage to all targets, including minions.
    - R cooldown increased: 160/140/120 seconds → 180/150/120 seconds
  • Shaco
    - Base damage decreased: 15/20/25/30/35  → 10/15/20/25/30
    [New] Jester Box now deals an additional 10/20/30/40/50 damage to monsters.
  • Udyr
    - Base health growth decreased: 99  → 92
    - R's aura total damage decreased: 50/95/140/185/230/275 over 4 seconds  → 40/80/120/160/200/240 within 4 seconds

Buffed Champions

  • Jax
    - Base damage growth increased: 3.38  → 4.25
  • Karma
    - Q cooldown decreased: 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 seconds  → 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds
  • Kog'Maw - W bonus damage increased: 3/3.75/4.5/5.25/6% of
    target's maximum health → 3/4/5/6/7%
  • Master Yi
    - E base damage increased: 18/26/34/42/50  → 20/30/40/50/60
  • Qiyana
    - W bonus damage increased: 8/16/24/32/40 (+30% AP)  → 8/22/36/50/64 (+45% AP)
    - R damage increased later: 100/170/240  → 100/200/300
  • Samira
    - Base damage growth increased: 2.3  → 3
    - Q's damage ratio increased later: 80/8.75/95/102.5/110  → 80/90/100/110/120%
  • Sejuani
    - W second strike damage ratio increased: 5.25% of max health  → 6% of max health
  • Trundle
    - Q cooldown decreased: 4 seconds  → 3.5 seconds

In-Game Shop Updates

  • Introducing Starter Packs: The suggested skin will now give you the most popular item combination players start with instead of just the first item.
  • Improved font rendering in item and call detail views.
  • Additional bug fixes and performance improvements. Added two lives to the shop to round the number.
  • Shureyla's War Song now properly appears in the Item Store when filtering "Ability Power" or "Mana and Regeneration".

Fixed Bugs

  • LOL CLIENT: Discovered and fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck on the "Waiting for Statistics" screen instead of going to endgame lobbies.
  • LOL CLIENT: Fixed various rendering issues with Match History graphics and stats.
  • LOL CLIENT: Fixed a bug that prevented players from trading champions while on champion selection.
  • The sound effect of Quinn the Heartseeker's return now plays properly.
  • Healing for Camille's W - Sharp Strike now counts outer cone bonus damage, not inner cone damage.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Tryndamere to be killed during her R - Undying Fury after being hit by a Crowdbringer empowered by Horizonbringer.
  • The bonus damage of Muramana's Shock and Wild Hydra's Slash passives now triggers on all attacks after his W - Destroy, not just Urgot's first attack.
  • Ranged champions can now properly benefit from Doran's Shield's Recovery and Chest Retard passives.
  • Fixed a bug where Udyr's every attack was causing Tear of the Goddess to trigger the Mana Charge effect.
  • Fixed a bug where Runaan's Tornado's arrows were granting additional Conqueror stacks.
  • Certain champions (Master Yi, Xayah, Zed, Kayn, Maokai, Yuumi) who are untargetable with their abilities when the dragon is slaughtered now gain the correct amount of experience.
  • Ferocious Hydra's Slash passive now works more consistently with similar abilities.
  • Fixed a bug where Ezreal was not triggering Runaan's Tornado while simultaneously casting Q - Mysterious Shot and turning around.
  • Fixed a bug where Wild Hydra's Slash passive would not work after the first attack while Shyvana's W - Whirlwind is active.
  • Support champions with Relic Shield slay minions with Spoils of War now affect Viktor's Passive - Splendor of Evolution and Scythe stacks.
  • Samira's R - Infernal Trigger now correctly applies the Wild Hydra's Cleave passive.

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