19 Mayıs

League of Legends Unveils New Champion Viego

League of Legends Unveils New Champion Viego
Viego, the new champion of League of Legends, is coming to 2021 in all its glory with a brand new cinematic prepared by Riot Games.

Viego , the new champion of  League of Legends , was released with the release of the 2021 ranked season trailer. Also known as the Ruined King, Viego will be playable on PBE in the near future, as confirmed by Riot Games .

Along with the video, Riot  gives some clues for curious LoL fans on how  the Ruined King will split the spirit of the champion he killed and take over the abilities of the fallen champion.

League of Legends 11.1 Patch Notes

The effect of Viego's entry on the League of Legends arena is felt wonderfully in the video above, but we don't know how it will be in the game for now. 

The Ruined King Viego's Skill List

  • Passive - Sovereign's Dominion

Viego temporarily takes over the body of the enemy champion he kills and gains all of his abilities, attacks, and items, except for the opponent's ultimate. On this occasion, he gets a one-time free use for his ultimate. 

  • Q - Blade of the Ruined King

Passive :Viego's attacks deal one percent bonus damage to his opponent's health. If Viego has recently hit an enemy champion with a spell, the attack will hit twice and the second strike will hurt the opponent instead of dealing damage, but can still critically strike. 

Active :Viego moves forward with his sword, dealing damage to all enemy players hit. 

  • W - Ghost Mouth

Viego charges forward, creating a cloud of mist that stuns and deals damage to the first enemy hit. The stun duration and fog cloud range can be increased, but the damage and range remain unchanged. 
  • E - Harrowed Path 

Viego's ability emits a wave of black fog around a nearby wall. In the fog, Viego gains attack and movement speed, and camouflages at the same time. 
  • R - Heartbreaker (Ulti)

Viego detaches from his body and teleports forward in a forward move, attacking the enemy with the lowest percentage of health in range at the point of teleportation. Deals bonus damage based on the enemy's missing health while also knocking down all other champions in range. 

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