League of Legends 9.20 Patch Notes

League of Legends 9.20 Patch Notes
The 9.20 patch notes have major updates for Viktor, Garen, and Shaco.

Major changes have been made to Viktor , Garen , and Shaco in the new 9.20 patch . Although there are no changes that can be considered as a complete renewal, quite effective changes have been provided. We would like to point out that the biggest factor in making these changes is to encourage players for these champions, update their skill sets and fix many more problems. We think that this change, which was made to appeal to both old and new players, will be highly appreciated. It looks like an update that will help players develop new gameplay styles.

As you know, League of Legends is about to approach its 10th year and it is carrying out a lot of work for the World Championship. However, the authorities are planning to put the final touches on important changes and adjustments before the 2020 season. Although this patch may seem like a big patch, it is worth mentioning that it is only a harbinger of major changes to be made and to come!

Patch 9.20 Highlights

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