How to Get the God of War Zeus Armor Set?

How to Get the God of War Zeus Armor Set?
The best and most powerful armor set in God of War, the Zeus armor, is also arguably the hardest to acquire.

The best and strongest armor set of God of War is also the hardest to obtain armor, arguably Zeus armor . If you want to create a strong character in the game, you should run after powerful items. One of these powerful item sets is the Zeus armor, which makes Kratos even more dangerous than it is. Greatly increases the damage of Kratos' standard attack, but also intensifies the damage he takes. Both effects increase significantly as more pieces of the Zeus armor set are worn. If you are an expert God of War player, Zeus armor will be a great power for you.

The Armor of Zeus is a reference to the God of War games set in ancient Greek mythology. As you might expect, the armor set has several pieces. The Armor of Zeus is described as armor forged in the style of the “King of the Greek Gods”. A blessing and a curse.


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How to Obtain God of War Zeus Armor Set?


First of all, let's say that obtaining the Zeus armor set is not an easy task, just as it is not very difficult. As for how to actually get it, you must first defeat all the Valkyries in the game, including the Queen, on the "Give me God of War" difficulty.

You will also need Gauntlets of Zeus (Zeus' armor gloves) and War Belt of Zeus (Zeus' War Belt) items to complete the set. For example, gloves, there you will enter Muspelheim after defeating the Valkyrie, you will get them there, and the breastplate is the reward for overthrowing the queen.

With all these items you can create a powerful and effective set, but most fundamentally, Zeus' armor stats start at 40 in potency, runes, and defense, so it's the funniest item in the set.

Overall, it's a high-risk, high-reward armor set that isn't for everyone. It's definitely a powerful item if you're good at dodging and relying on the timing of your hits. However, for those who are hit hard, we recommend avoiding the Zeus Armor.

God of War PC version will meet with players on January 14, and more people will aspire to the Zeus armor set. If you want to complete a challenging mission and challenge yourself, you have to obtain the Zeus armor.

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