Ghost Recon Breakpoint Update - November 12

Ghost Recon Breakpoint Update - November 12
2 new missions are coming with the new update on November 12, details are in the article
Ubisoft has detailed some updates to Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, including new missions, bug fixes, gameplay feel improvements, and more . In its November roadmap update, Ubisoft outlined the changes made to the two planned updates for Ghost Recon . Breakpoint aims to increase gameplay with the upcoming update on November 12 .


November 12 updateIncludes two new missions: A Deadly Trap and Whistleblower. In A Deadly Trap, you are tasked with helping people called Homesteaders protect themselves from a planned virus attack by collecting enough supplies to survive. Whistleblower, you will assist the rebels to help them escape without leaving a trace. These quests take place every three weeks, and when you complete them, you'll get Battle Points, which are used to unlock Battle Rewards. Ghost Recon: Breakpoint will also see a few tweaked mechanical issues fixed in the November 12 update, including a more streamlined cover switching system, night vision goggles will no longer block crosshairs, and more.

Ubisoft has announced that the full patch notes "will be available soon". Ghost Recon : Breakpoint has had a rough time since its October 4 launch on PC , PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot said the game had a "very disappointing sales period" regarding sales.

Click to buy Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint now!

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