Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Trailer Released

Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Trailer Released
The trailer contains some special information about the game, the details are in the article.
The moon looks dark and full of terror in Destiny 2 's upcoming Shadowkeep game. Bungie has released a new trailer. This trailer gives us a more in-depth look at some of the highlights in the game's release date. The trailer also includes a few clues about what else could be hiding under the lunar surface.

Bungie first released a different trailer earlier this month. For the most part, it was just a trailer-like video with music and little information about Shadowkeep . For Destiny 2 Shadowkeep buyers , the trailer shows players returning to the moon for the first time since Destiny 1. It plays an important role in this game. But as the trailer shows,Shadowkeep represents a completely different realm from the first game's Hellmouth , and there seems to be some weird new stuff lurking in it. You can also have visual information by watching the trailer below.

You may stumble upon a Fallen Vandal, suggesting that the Moon's fallen population is fighting the Hive in Shadowkeep and is a strange looking Vex Minotaur. We know it will take place in the Black Garden, a special Vex location from the first Destiny in Shadowkeep , so this Minotaur might be related to that. The current story of Destiny suggests that there was another alien race that attacked far in the past and they returned to the solar system. Of course, there's still a lot we don't know about Shadowkeep, and the new trailer could be very subtle in its details. To learn more, buy / pre-order Destiny 2: Shadowkeep and wait for its release. 

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep will be released for PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 on  September 17, 2019. Click to buy Destiny 2 Shadowkeep now! 


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