Cyberpunk 2077 Pre-Ordered "Visibly Higher" Than The Witcher Series

Cyberpunk 2077 Pre-Ordered "Visibly Higher" Than The Witcher Series
CD Projekt Red expects at least 50% of pre-orders to be digital

CD Projekt Red expects at least 50% of Cyberpunk 2077's early sales to be digital, and pre-orders for the game will be "noticeably higher" than any Witcher release.

Speaking to investors following the third-quarter results, CFO Piotr Nielubowicz told Seeking Alpha that Cyberpunk's pre-order balance is "very strong" in favor of digital.


While Nielubowicz said it was too early to predict the early split with any precision, he expected the digital share to be "definitely more than in Witcher 3, and definitely more than 50% in the game's early order."

He added that in the long run, CD Projekt's games are moving towards digital sales.

"In Witcher 3, the vast majority. And in Witcher 2 and 1, that's - let's say 99% of the revenues we generate are digital. So that's the only aspect to expect in the near and long term."


CD Projekt declined to comment on the exact number of Cybperpunk pre-orders, beyond that they were "noticeably higher" than any comparable point in a Witcher title.

However, it can be seen in the company's deferred revenue in the third quarter as an indication of how popular the game is proving.

"Not all revenues we generate in Cyberpunk are recorded directly in our profit and loss account - they are all shown as deferred revenues on our balance sheet and we will show them upon release of the game," the company said.


In the third quarter, CD Projekt Red posted a $20.7 million increase in deferred revenue. This is "the largest deferred revenue growth we've ever experienced".

Cyberpunk 2077 will be released on December 10.

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