Bugs Continue in Valorant

Bugs Continue in Valorant
Streaming on Twitch, the player detected Sova's arrows passing through the wall and asked Riot Games to fix it.

Valorant has been one of the top names in tactical FPS games. This Riot Games title will enter the global championship scene next year, and we expect Riot to rise to iconic MMORPG League of Legends status soon. However, it continues to suffer its fair share of bugs and problems, and sometimes even game breakers.


Recently, Twitch streamer Average Jonas posted a tweet showing an issue he was having with the game. Due to this glitch, Sova's arrows seem to go through walls instead of bouncing off them. Jonas experienced this in a special match. In his tweet, he called out to the developers at Riot and asked them to check it out.

"Hey, @PlayVALORANT @riotgames I think I messed up your game.. I wanted to doubleshot but it didn't work; I want you to double check that!"

Now, it looks like this issue is not a common issue yet as other players haven't reported this bug. However, developers should look into the issue before it becomes a permanent issue.

Agent errors still occur in Valorant; After Killjoy was replaced by Sova's share

Those who play the game daily or are aware of the latest events in the game are familiar with the recent Killjoy bug in Haven. Due to this bug, players can place Killjoy's tower inside walls (yes, you heard that right). Therefore, the turret will remain invisible, hitting enemies as soon as it detects it.

Because it's inside a wall, you can't damage it and while it provides an ultimate line of defense, the user will continue to get a few free kills as long as the turret is active. While some players have found a way to counter the Killjoy issue, the developers have yet to fix it.

However, given Riot Games' history, the developers will definitely fix this in the coming patches. At least we hope that is the case.

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