Best Set 6.5 Comps of TFT Patch 12.4

Best Set 6.5 Comps of TFT Patch 12.4
Although it has only been a few days since it was published, we have compiled the five best-performing compositions in TFT Set 6.5 for you.

A brand new mid-set update has been released for Tactics Battles: Gadgets and Inventions . TFT Set 6.5 Neon Nights brings a huge amount of change and of course thatmeans there will be a ton of new TFT Set 6.5 compositions . Although it has been only a few days since it was published, we have compiled the five best performing compositions in TFT Set 6.5 for you.


►  TFT Set 6.5 Hextech Extensions


TFT Set 6.5 comps: The best comps to play in patch 12.4



Did you really think that Inventor would disappearin TFT Set 6.5 ? Well, one of the best comps in the game is back in full force. By replacing Heimerdinger with Ekko, the comp now has access to a small Scraper feature pack for added protection.

Comp plays pretty much the same with just minor changes. Vi is now the top frontline champion playing alongside Jayce and Senna has replaced Janna but now gives players access to two Socialite ranges.



Speaking of getting new features on an old feature , Mutant comp has a few new champions. Rek'Sai now allows Mutants to easily yawn on Brawler when paired with Cho'Gath. Kha'Zix is ​​also a new potential carry champion for this feature . This ability is very powerful because each champion in the trait can become a prime mover depending on the items and the Mutant bonus in each game.

Hextech Striker


Hextech debuts with a mix of damage and shields. The prime mover for this composition seems to be the Hextech Strike Sivir , another new feature coming into TFT Set 6.5

To give Sivir as much carry potential as possible, this composition digs deeper into her Striker trait to allow Sivir to take even more damage. Vi also steps in to give the fight an even better front.

Chemical Brawler


After a short break we are back to an old composition . But, like many others, this composition has new tricks.

Instead of focusing on Double Shot with Urgot, this composition is now a Enterprise composition . Tryndamere emerged as the leading carry champion alongside Warwick in this remake comp. Its chemistry was made to work with Tryndamere and Warwick, increasing their stamina and attack speed when tearing apart the opponent.

Casanova Assassin


Finally, completing the top five comps to play in the early days of TFT patch 12.4 is a new feature with an old face. Talon is no longer an Emperor champion, but rather a Casanova unit.

This composition draws on her strengths as an Assassin and a Casanova. Talon's VIP Casanova ability allows him to deal true damage, which is great in this composition. Re-register for Talon and watch the teams disappear.

► Set 6.5 discount has started in RP. Buy now discounted LoL TFT Riot Points RP, don't miss the new set rewards:


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