Yoru's Story - Q&A

New agent Yoru's story, origin etc. via the official Valorant instagram page. Questions were asked about things and answers were received. The event, which was held to get to know the agent better, attracted the attention of the fans.

Riot Games followed a very interesting but primitive method of character introduction and story, allowing players and fans to learn about the character. Yoru , the new agent added to the game recently , came as Valorant's 14th agent. An agent in the Duelist category has its origins in Japan. He introduced the character by asking questions about Yoru on Riot Games ' official Valorant instagram account . Among the questions were Valorant 's origins, where he grew up, and other questions that introduced the character and were asked to be answered. We have compiled these questions for you below, the correct answers to the questions are Yoru.It will enliven general information about you.

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Valorant Yoru and Its Origin

While Yoru was not officially introduced yet, a wallpaper with the image of the character was presented to fans. In a very short time, speculation arose that this silhouette pointed to the new character. As a matter of fact, these speculations were confirmed over time by the emergence of other data and leaks and the official announcement. Shortly after the official announcement, other information about the character was also shared. Among this information, important information such as the name of the new character, Yoru , his origin, style and abilities were also shared. Now let's come to the questions that are the main issue, you can view these questions and their answers below.

1) What Ability Does Yoru's Mask Grant Him?
2) What Is Inspired By Yoru's Talents?
3) Where Did Yoru Grow Up?
4) What Is Yoru Looking For?
5) What Period of Japanese History Does Yoru's Mask Belong to?All these questions give general information about Yoru . There is a Samurai outfit in a capsule on the Icebox map, and this outfit is thought to belong to Yoru's ancestor. In addition , Yoru 's present and future time perception mask is connected to each other. In the future, the developers will share additional details about the story.

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