Is PUBG Mobile Among Us Themed Mode Coming?

A YouTube creator claimed that he played Among Us in the Chinese version of Pubg Mobile. Rumors and screenshots confirm this collaboration between Pubg Mobile and Among Us.

Social media and other gaming community platforms are clamoring that Pubg Mobile and Among Us will collaborate. A video leaked by a YouTube content producer may also surprise PUBG Mobile and Among Us fans in the form of a co-op-style mode. The content producer took the opportunity to play this mode early to confirm the news and states that PUBG Mobile will be coming to the Chinese version soon as a patch update.

Among Us is in Pubg Mobile!

There is not enough information and explanation to confirm PUBG Mobile and Among Us mode news yet. Therefore, it will not be possible to determine the accuracy of this without an official statement. However, "Game for Peace", the Chinese version of the game, has already incorporated the new theme into the game and brought certain changes. The last game mode with two separate teams is called "Who is the Ghost". The purpose of the game; special forces and your role as a ghost is to eliminate the members of the special forces before they find out who the ghost is.
You can see the screenshots of the mod in the table below.

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As seen in the Chinese version of the Battle Royale game, if these rumors and images are true, it will be certain that fans will see this new mode shortly. We hope the new mode is available in all versions globally. If it is not a collaborative work and only a similar mod was intended to be presented, we hope this situation will not cause legal problems. Still, it's impossible to predict when or if the new Among Us-themed mode will appear. Since version 1.2 was released this week, we can say that fans won't be able to see this collaboration until February or March.

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