Age of Empires 4 Getting Started Tips and Tactics

Age of Empires 4 Getting Started Tips and Tactics
Age of Empires adventure continues from where it left off. We have prepared a tips & tactics guide for players who are starting the series for the first time or have forgotten the game.

It's been 16 years since the last game of the Age of Empires series, and Age of Empires 4 is back on the field recently, so there's a chance for new players who just couldn't get started. Aged players of the series may be a little rusty for the new Age of Empires. As old players will remember, the Turkish dubbing of the old Age of Empires has been engraved in our minds. “Your name? I do." “Lumber, Miner.” In this article, we aim to save you from typing “Marco, Polo” in the early stages of the game. If you want, let's take a look at the starting tips we've compiled for Age of Empires 4 .

Don't Be Afraid to Try Different Civilizations


When playing the Age of Empires 4 Campaign mode , players are launched into one ofthe easiest civilizations to play, the British civilization . The British are masters of defense. That's why the Campaign mode started this way. Players spend hours at the beginning of Age of Empires 4 and also spend time on other modes. It is also important to try what other civilizations are capable of. Depending on your playing style, different civilizations may be more suitable for you. Some are experts in attack, some in technology, some in farming. That's why you should give other communities a chance and learn how they work for you.

Farm To Have Resource


In order to have a defense mechanism in Age of Empires 4, your technology and production must be solid. To craft or build something, you must have resources and simply start farming. There are 4 types of resources in the game that you can collect and take your civilization to the next level.

  • Food : Your villagers can obtain food from fields, berry bushes or animals. Obtained resources are stored in the Town Center or nearby Mills.
  • Wood : When the villagers are ordered to cut wood, they go and begin to cut down the trees. Setting up a Lumber Camp near the area where you cut down trees is important for storing the wood you collect.
  • Stone : You can collect stones from the rocks on the ground with the help of your villagers.
  • Gold : You can collect the indispensable gold of ancient times by finding the Gold Vein.

Your villagers who dig Stone or Gold need a Mining Camp near the excavation site. In this way, they can quickly store the resources they collect and continue to dig. Having enough of each resource makes it easier to build defense mechanisms.

Your Defense Must Be Strong


Having good defense when competing with rival civilizations is essential in Age of Empires 4. Depending on your civilization, you can place stone walls or large fences and protect your villagers and buildings.

Russian civilization establishes a more solid type of wall, "Palisade". If you're playing as another civilization , you better start making your villagers dig stones. You can build gateways to the stone wall you will build and watch towers with a bow soldier on them. In this way, your enemy begins to take damage before they get closer.

Build an Army


In Age of Empires 4, you need soldiers to protect your settlements or attack your opponents. You can put infantry, archers or cavalry in your army. Build the following structures to craft these soldiers.

  • Barracks: Allows you to produce infantry. It is open to your use in the Age 1 process.
  • Archer Training Area: When you reach Age 2, it opens and allows you to take out archer soldiers.
  • Stables: Stables become available at Age 2 and allow you to have mounted cavalry.

It is important to build an army that is a mix of these three types of soldiers. You may want to set up archer support and an infantry ambush when you send your cavalry against your enemies. Range is an advantage. Take care to use. You can protect your besieged city by deploying archers on top of your walls. After learning the Siege Engineering feature from your blacksmith, you can build rams and siege towers to add power to your attacks.

Developing by Skipping Ages


Age of Empires 4 is a game in which we skip the Age by collecting resources and developing. There are 4 eras in the game. Each time you jump, you are told to choose 2 buildings. The structures you choose according to the civilizations you play provide different bonus features to your settlement. When you build the building of your choice, you will move forward and it will be unlocked for you to build new buildings that will help your progress.

Learning New Technology


As you move through the ages and play with different civilizations, you will have research to overcome. As you build technology element buildings such as Blacksmith and University, you will be able to research to increase your combat power. Research is important in Age of Empires 4 to make your town stronger and more efficient.

For someone playing Age of Empires 4 for the first time, the mechanics can be a bit confusing. This is because the game is very crowded in terms of content. That's why we've prepared such a beginner's guide to help you through the getting started process. If you don't feel ready yet, we recommend you to practice a lot in Skirmish and Multiplayer modes. That's all for now, see you in another article!

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