Age of Empires 4 Civilizations and Traits

Age of Empires 4 Civilizations and Traits
Age of Empires 4 has 8 different civilizations for players to play. Click here for information about AoE 4 civilizations and the features they provide.

Age of Empires 4 has 8 different civilizations that players can play with , and each civilization has its own characteristics. It should be noted that besides the features, the difficulty levels also vary. For example, the British may hunt and use wild boar as food, while the Abbasids do not consume pork. This difference means that your food source will be limited. It is very important to try all the civilizations found and find the one that suits your play style. While having a strong army is important, a strong defense and technology knowledge can outweigh. If you want, let's take a look at Age of Empires 4 civilizations and their features.

Age of Empires 4 Civilizations

  • British
  • Holy Roman Empire
  • Abbasid Dynasty
  • mongols
  • Chinese
  • French
  • Russians
  • Delhi Sultanate


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AoE 4: British Civilization

British civilization is known for its powerful defense systems. They build strongholds and gain an advantage in battle. There are four eras of the British in Age of Empires 4. These are Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, English Gothic and Tudor.

Benefits of choosing the British:

  • Villagers are strong and can use bows.
  • Vanguard Man-at-Arms (Heavy Armed Infantry) become available in the first age.
  • Farming requires half the wood, and storage structures gather resources 15% faster.
  • The Network of Castles provide a 25% attack speed bonus to your settlement, outposts, and castles.
  • Town Center fires twice as many arrows while under attack.
  • Military Ship range is increased by +1.

AoE 4: Civilization of the Holy Roman Empire

The Roman empire is known for its powerful infantry in Age of Empires 4 . Thanks to their religion, they get support when attacking. Players will encounter the Roman Empire between AD 936 and 1517.

Roman Empire Advantages:

  • The "Prelate", the religious unity, was attainable in the first age.
  • In the second age, Man-at-Arms (Strong Infantry) is unlocked.
  • Outposts, castles, towers and religious buildings have features such as increased vision, weapons, armor, damage.
  • Ports also gain 5% attack speed per Relic (Divine Relic).
  • The cost of producing outposts, towers and castles is 25% less.

AoE 4: Abbasid Dynasty

The Abbasid civilization relies more on their knowledge and research abilities than strength in war. While playing this civilization, players will do a lot of research and change the game mechanics and unlock features that give the Abbasids an incredible advantage. They will see the Abbasid Dynasty in the “Golden Age of Islam” between 750 AD and 1517.

Abbasid Dynasty Advantages:

  • They cannot obtain food from wild boars, but their fruit collection speed is 25% higher.
  • They can build rams and siege towers without learning Siege Engineering.
  • By building wings with the help of the House of Wisdom, they gain an advantage over the ages. Nearby buildings become +5 fireproof.
  • The cost of building the ports is less than half.
  • When you reach the Golden Age, resource gathering, research time and production speed increase.

AoE 4: Mongolian Civilization

The Mongols are the civilization that players use as "run and gun" in Age of Empires 4. Its armies and soldiers are extremely active and efficient when properly deployed. You can see the Mongol civilization between 1000 and 1500 AD in connection with the west and east.

Advantages of playing with Mongols:

  • Burning enemy buildings grants 50 food and gold.
  • Constructed buildings can be collected and moved. (Nomad Life Bonus)
  • Mongolians start with a maximum population limit and do not need a house.
  • The Early Horsemen unit is available in the first age.
  • The Early Lancer unit unlocks in the second age.
  • Using only stones, they can double their troop production and research advanced technology.
  • Transport ships have 50% more health and move 15% faster.

AoE 4: Chinese Civilization

The greatest features of Chinese civilization are their strength, innovative structures and the use of gunpowder. Not only are their defenses strong, but their attacks are also deadly. While playing Age of Empires 4, you can find them spreading and ruling all over Eurasia from 907 AD to 1644.

Benefits of playing as the Chinese:

  • Villagers build defensive structures 50% faster and all other structures 100% faster.
  • Building symbolic structures provides bonuses by turning the Chinese into a dynasty.
  • As we move into the fourth age, chemistry technology is free.
  • Ports work 20% faster.

AoE 4: French Civilization

Another of the Age of Empires 4 civilizations, the French are famous for their horsemen and knights. Building a Stable is inevitable when playing with French civilization . You will meet them at the head of Jeanne d'Arc, between 840 and 1559 AD, when the invention of cannons.

Advantages of playing with French civilization:

  • Scouts and villagers produce more as they age. There is a 10% increase in production speed in the first era, 15% in the second, and 20% in the third and fourth era.
  • Economy technologies are 30% cheaper.
  • Building resource-linked structures requires 25 wood less resources.
  • At the start of the game, Trade Posts, namely trade centers, are visible on the map.
  • Traders can bring all resources to markets.
  • Melee technology research can be done for free.
  • Merchant ships bring 20% ​​more gold.

AoE 4: Russian Civilization

Age of Empires 4's survival experts are Russian civilization . Difficult conditions and the wars they were defeated taught the Russians to be ruthless. You will come across this civilization between 882 AD and 1552 while being influenced by other civilizations and passing the Mongolian influence.

Benefits of playing with Russian civilization:

  • Gain extra resources while hunting. They get gold.
  • All food sources are more.
  • The Early Knight unit unlocks in the second age.
  • They can build more durable pile walls called palisades.
  • By building a Hunter's Hut, you can enable your hunters to earn gold for every job they do.
  • They can build outposts and wooden castles with extra health.
  • Fishing vessels do not need to leave food at ports. The food comes directly.

AoE 4: Delhi Sultanate

Delhi's main goal on Age of Empires 4 is to gain knowledge and advance in technology. This is why they are very good defenders plus researchers. You will come across the Delhi Sultanate between 879 AD and 1526 as they changed their religion to Hindu-Islamic while at the same time developing their technology.

Advantages of playing as Delhi Sultanate:

  • They cannot obtain food from wild boars, but their fruit collection speed is 25% higher.
  • The Scholar unit exists in the first age.
  • All technologies are free. That's why research takes longer. Making a Scholar unit increases your speed.
  • Infantry units cannot build defensive structures.
  • Fishing ships have archers.

Age of Empires 4 civilizations as you see them. With so much information at your fingertips, choosing which civilization to take to war is tricky. In the campaign mode,you can get used to the game with the British at the difficulty you want. In SkirmishandMultiplayermodes, you can try the remaining civilizations one by one and decide which one you should play. As important as civilizations are, strategy comes first. By choosing a civilization according to the plan you have created, you can turn the battlefield into your entertainment area for ages. See you in another article!

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