7 Beginner Tips You Should Know For Elden Ring

7 Beginner Tips You Should Know For Elden Ring
Elden Ring's gameplay is not for the faint-hearted and requires a lot of practice. For beginners, these basic tips will come in handy.

Elden Ring , the latest entry in FromSoftware's soulsborne series , was recently released on PC , Xbox, and PlayStation. The game earned 97 Metascores, receiving full praise from fans and critics. Click to see  Elden Ring Metacritic review scores .

This widespread praise and attention generated a lot of interest in Elden Ring, encouraging many people to try a soulsborne game for the first time. As anyone who's played the Soulsborne game knows, the first experience with the series can be exhausting. Games are notoriously unforgiving, and Elden Ring is no different. Here are some beginner tips to lend a helping hand to new players .


►  Things You Should Definitely Know Before Starting Elden Ring


Elden Ring Getting Started Guide: 7 Important Points to Know

7) Focus on a specific build


Due to the prominence of the action-RPG genre in recent years, many mainstream games now have a leveling system. However, some of these leveling systems have little depth, causing players to be haphazard with their leveling choices.

In Elden Ring, this is a fatal mistake because every choice of level is important and needs careful thought. Also, leveling every feature evenly is a terrible idea for the game as they cover different playstyles. Instead, players should have a specific structure in mind from the very beginning of Elden Ring and ensure their classes , weapons, armor and leveling options complement that particular playstyle.

6) Rolling is better than blocking


Given how many shields are in Elden Ring, it's forgivable for new players to think they're a necessary item for melee builds. While they certainly serve a purpose, rolling is a much better form of defense for those with good reaction times and pattern recognition.

Going over enemy attacks provides opportunities for counterattacks and also prevents the significant stamina drops that come with blocking powerful attacks that can disrupt the player's stance and leave them vulnerable for an incoming hit. The lack of a shield also allows players to wield their weapons with both hands and deal more damage. It is vitally important not to wear heavy armor for those wishing to use rolling.

5) Skip the tough fights for now


The biggest difference of Elden Ring from other soulsborne games is its open world. The game gives players complete freedom in where to go and what to do, withmultiple boss fights and enemies to fight whenever they want.

As a result, if players get stuck on a boss and find that they only do minor damage, then it's important to move to another area, as this is a clear sign that the player is low on level. Most of the newbies to Elden Ring have exactly this problem with the Tree Sentinel , a very difficult boss to fight . Instead of insisting on a fight forever, players should move to another area and level up a few times before returning .


►  5 Hardest Boss Battles in Elden Ring


4) Mark the map


One feature that bothers newbies to Elden Ring is the game's lack of a minimap, guided waypoints, or quest log. These features are common in the open world genre , but FromSoftware has remained true to its ideology of plunge and challenge.

However, there are various markers that players can place. Because it's easy to get lost in the huge open world of Elden Ring, it's important to place these markers in points of interest such as bosses that the player wants to return to later .

3) Learn enemy attack patterns


Regarding Soulsborne battles, people often use the phrase "like a rhythm game". That doesn't mean players should wipe the dust off their Rock Band guitars; This means that almost every enemy and boss has attack patterns that can be learned and responded to in small windows of opportunity, creating a rhythm-like pace in one-on-one fights.

That's why it's important to study enemy attacks as you fight them to avoid the novice mistake of trying to return fire with fire.


►  Elden Ring Lore, Story and Myth


2) Explore each area thoroughly one by one


One of Elden Ring 's many acclaimed aspects is the diversity and meticulous design of its many areas. As a result, some new players get into the bad habit of trying to cross zones as quickly as possible, as they are eager to explore theentire map .

However, this is a mistake, as players will not only be downgraded to very low levels for skipping a few boss fights in these new areas, but they will also miss out on important items like Golden Seeds and Sacred Tears.

1) Obtain Margit's Shackles


Fell Omen Margit is the first main boss of the game. Boss is a prime example of "gateway", as its significant difficulty exists to ensure players have a sufficiently built and leveled character for the challenges to follow. Unfortunately, some beginnersstill struggle with Margit even after taking the time to level up .

For such people, it's worth seeking out Margit's Shackles, which will stabilize Marigt and allow the player to take a few easy hits. To obtain the item, head to the Murkwater cavern and fight the Patches, who will become a familiar face of the spirited veterans. During the fight, Patches will ask for forgiveness, if you accept his forgiveness, he will sell the Shackles for 5,000 runes.

Elden Ring is now available on PC , Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

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