5 Agents to Choose for Valorant

5 Agents to Choose for Valorant
There are a total of 15 agents to choose from in Valorant and this number will increase over time. As agents increase, your selection potential will increase. You can learn about the top 5 agents you can choose from our article for now.
Thanks to the time you spend in Valorant and your command of the agents, you can play successful matches. The more you work and practice, the more you will improve. That's why agent uses are important in Valorant . You should memorize the abilities of the agents thoroughly and determine your choices accordingly. Just mastering the agents you play is not enough on its own. You must also master the agents chosen by your teammates and even by your opponents. This has only one purpose, and that is to strengthen your harmony with your teammates, to know the abilities of the agents chosen by your opponents, and to become advantageous in the strategies you will apply against them. Of course, we hope we don't need to remind you of the importance of practicing while doing this.


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Agent Selections and Importance in Valorant

Agent selection is a very sensitive issue in Valorant . Based on our recent research, we have determined that these agent selections are usually directed towards the agents that players like. The players prefer the agent or agents that they like and feel good while playing, with which they are accustomed, with 83% of their agent selections. From this point of view, it is seen that the agent selections are not chosen according to team harmony, but rather because he likes to play that agent. This is a wrong move, you must provide your agent selections in a certain strategy in harmony with your teammates. Of course, each player and team may have different strategies, but below we have listed the top 5 agents and abilities for you and your teammates to choose from .

  • Q - Slow Orb
  • E - Health Orb
  • C - Barrier Orb
  • X - Resurrection

  • Q - Shock Arrow
  • E - Discovery Arrow
  • C - Owl Drone
  • X - Hunter's Fury

  • Q: Blind Spot
  • E: Catkapi
  • A: Fake Horse
  • X: Interdimensional Transition

  • Q - Paranoia
  • E - Veil of Darkness
  • C - Hidden Step
  • X - Out of the Shadows

  • Q - Exploit
  • E - Dismiss
  • C - Evil Eye
  • X - Empress

You should memorize the abilities of the agents mentioned above very well and use them in a coordinated manner with your teammates. Your harmony with your teammates will benefit both you and your team. At the same time, when you act in harmony, you put a lot of pressure on your opponents. The pressure you will create on your opponent will give you the opportunity to take the first step towards winning.

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