3 Reasons PUBG Mobile Has Reduced Game Size To 610 MB

3 Reasons PUBG Mobile Has Reduced Game Size To 610 MB
The new update has reduced the download size of the game to 610 MB, details are in the article.
PUBG Mobile 's popularity seems to be increasing with each passing season. This can partly be attributed to the new features that the developers offer in periodic updates. PUBG Mobile 1.1 update arrived on global servers a few weeks ago and introduced a few new features including Lightweight Install Function. This functionality resulted in the game's download size being reduced to 610 MB in the Google Play Store. In this article, we have compiled 3 possible reasons for PUBG Mobile 's size to be reduced to 610 MB.

3 Reasons PUBG Mobile Reduced Game Size to 610MB Increased

Customization Option and Reduced Storage

One of the most interesting aspects of the Lightweight Install Function is the customization options. Players can now only receive desired resource packs, maps, etc. It needs to download and smart suggestions will help them make a choice. Additionally, players can access the "Download" tab in settings to download/delete resources easily. The reduction in storage will also allow a few PUBG Mobile Lite users who are unable to play PUBG Mobile due to storage issues to try the game.

Increased Accessibility of the Game

Many players around the world PUBG Mobile. Therefore, the reduced game size will increase the accessibility of the game as the download will require less data. As resources can be downloaded in segments, players will be able to manage the size efficiently.

Improved Optimization to Provide a Better Experience

PUBG Mobile 's developers have also optimized the current version of the game, providing users with older devices with 10% lag reduction for a better gaming experience. The update feature is also an add-on benefit for gamers. Apart from that, players also have the option to download the Low-Feature Resource Pack and the HD Resource Pack.

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