What We Want to See in the League of Legends 11.7 Patch Notes

League of Legends' upcoming 11.7 patch notes bring Rhythm of Space skins into play. The details of whether Split Pushing, which is discussed in the gameplay agenda, will come to the game or not, can be found in our article.

As reflected in the patch schedule, the League of Legends 11.7 patch notes release date is set for Wednesday, March 31 . LoL 11.7 patch update with no balance changes at the moment but lots of new skins ;

It will add 8 different costume series to the game. Among the first tweaks of the newly added skins , Riot Games plans to add some more music variation to Lux's E ability . All the details of the collection are covered in our article " League of Legends Rhythm of Space Costume Series ", you can take a look if you wish.


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Will Split Push Coming in Patch 11.7?

With the League of Legends 11.7 patch notes approaching, players have expressed their curiosity about whether Split Push will make a return to the game. Game design director Mark "Scruffy" Yetter discussed what makes Split Pushing healthy or harmful in-game in his Game Agenda: March 19 article and a twitter post he shared . Historically, split pushing has been an exciting strategic option that adds variety to the overall gameplay, but it has also been a frustrating and unrelated strategy that sometimes knocks a losing team away without an opportunity to respond, ” Scruffy said. split pushFor Scruffy to make a healthy contribution to the game, there are a few things that need to be done, according to Scruffy.

♦ Allow Solo Players 

A strong solo player should let pressure if his team falls behind. This will increase the effect of the best laner in the later stages of the game. It should also support "attrition" that allows a player to build up their advantage over time, not after winning a single duel. And if a team leaves correctly, the strategic game should open with rotations, vision control, and variation in teamfight dimensions.

♦ More Return Mechanics

Fallback mechanics are essential for keeping the excitement of competitive multiplayer games. In the middle of a near-lost match, players often despair over their disappointment. To prevent this , Riot Games focused on developing more flashback mechanics in the 11.7 patch notes to keep players hooked to the game until the last seconds of the match .

♦ New Non-Legendary Items 

League of Legends game director Andrei "Riot Meddler" van Roon revealed in a YouTube video that Riot is considering adding new non-legendary elements to the game. Talking about the inadequacy of Ability power and Tank items in particular, the developer said that it is a good idea to focus on this area in order to play a more balanced game and increase the variety of builds.

♦ Nerf For Stamina Burst 

While the burst of damage, often discussed since the start of League of Legends Season 11 , serves a gameplay purpose, Riot officials said it seems to be over-tuned. Stating that champions that do instant damage quickly get into the snowball effect and that the game is damaged at the end of it, the developer company stated that they will make changes on the instant damage to bring balance to this situation.

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