Valve Gives Message About 'Half-Life: 3'

Valve Implicitly Announces 'Half-Life: 3' Coming

Valve, one of the popular names in the game industry, announced the new Half-Life game with an announcement last week. The game, which has virtual reality support, excited gamers on the one hand, and confused them on the other. Because the game, which was announced while the gamers were waiting for Half-Life 3 for a long time, was between Half-Life 1 and Half-Life 2. Valve's new game "Half-Life: Alyx" will require equipment and a good system, as it will have virtual reality support. But it seems that Valve will not turn their backs on gamers who do not have a virtual reality system and equipment. Maybe even Half-Life 3 is coming.

In an interview, Speyrer was asked, "What will gamers without a VR set do?" While answering the question, he stated that gamers can expect more. Although Speyrer did not openly say Half-Life 3, he stated that they learned a lot during the development of Half-Life: Alyx.