Valorant's Most Popular Scout Agents

We've brought together Valorant's best scouting agents and ranked them. Click to learn the features, pros and cons of agents.

One of the least preferred positions among Valorant agents is scouts . This is because scout agents are more challenging to play. You have to help your team to put pressure on you, and on the other hand, you have to keep a good eye on what's going on around you. In short,you need to be effective in both attack and defense areas. These agents can place traps, control entry and exit points, or spy on your opponents. Controlling the map and making surprises is the task of this role. Let's take a look at Valorant's best scouts .

Valorant's Top Scout Agents 

There aren't many scout agents in Valorant . The last agent added to this category is Chamber . You can be sure that you can see him on the list. Due to the small number of these agents, we have included them all in the list. Let's take a look at the agents.

4. Valorant Killjoy

When playing with Killjoy, you can use alert bots to nip down your defensive opponents. It's perfect for panicking players out of hiding in Valorant . When bots explode, they leave opponents defenseless, making it easier for Killjoy and his teammates to score. Killjoy's turret is useful when attacking,as well as on the defensive sideWith the turret, you can observe the bomb sites and find out if there are any intruders. His ultimate , like his turret, puts enemies in a tight spot. While preventing the ultimate enemies you put in zone C from leaving, Spike to other areas.You can place the . Being last on the list doesn't change the fact that it's a very useful spotter.

3. Valorant Cypher

The third pick on Valorant 's list of top spotting agents is Cypher . While attacking, his Booby Trap ability forces defenders to panic. In this way, your team learns where not to install Spike and where the enemies are . You can create the same danger thanks to the signature ability Hidden Camera. The camera gives you a snapshot of the players' location and fires a dart that marks them for a few seconds. With the information you give to your team, you can easily enter the Spike area.

On the defensive side, you equip the area you defend with your traps, like a pyramid, just like in the attack. Your opponents are revealed when they least expect it, and they are trapped in the cage. If an enemy falls on your palm and dies, the match is over for the opposing team. You learn the location of the teammates left by the enemies who died with their ultimate. Although he has seen debuffs, the information Cypher provides is invaluable. That's why we put it in third place with peace of mind.

2. Sage of Valorant

Sage isthe must-have agent selections in Valorant matches . Just as Jett is important in the attacking role, Sage is very important in distracting the opponent and supporting the team. His slow ability affects both teams and limits your ability to take action, but his vitalizing orbs still function. As you can imagine, the feature that makes Sage so good is his Ultimate ability, Resurrection. When you are alone, you can bring back one of your teammates to come to your aid. The odds of redealing the Round's cards can be incredibly high.

However, the once dominant support, Sage, can now only help his team with his skills. That's why he becomes one of the weak links in the scouting agent pool. Besides supporting the team, one of the things Sage does well is stall. While it can force the enemies coming with the slowing sphere and the ice wall to turn back, it may not allow them to pass at all.

1. Valorant Chamber

The latest addition to Valorant, Agent Chamber is undoubtedly the most aggressive scout in the game . Taking out his own sniper rifle with his ultimate ability and using his gun with Q ability is enough to make him dangerous enough. His pistol works best in rounds where you are trying to save economy. In addition to the abilities he can pull out weapons, he can also place traps similar to Killjoy 's alarm bot.

He owes his control of the area to both his sniper rifle and his traps. Let's not forget that it can watch a certain angle and change position directly. He can instantly return to the card he has placed and come to the aid of his teammates. We choose him as the best sentinel because he has just come to the game . Chamber 's mechanics need time to settle in. He thinks his future in the game is bright, we know he is a difficult agent to fix if it gets out of control .

That's it for Valorant's list of top spotting agents . Although there are not many characters with this role in the game, the tasks they undertake are not to be underestimated. You can try them all and choose the agent that best suits your playing style. See you for now!

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