US Congressman A. Cortez Discusses How League of Legends Helped His Political Career

US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, better known as AOC, did a broadcast Among Us where she played the game with other popular publisher players. She talked about her experiences playing League of Legends during the broadcast.

For those who don't know, AOC has played League of Legends for a while and shared that it reached Silver III in July earlier this year. He talked about his role in the broadcast, the Champions he played, and some of his thoughts on the popular MOBA.

AOC talks League play

The first thing he discussed was his role in League of Legends. AOC's preferred role is support. "Sona, Janna, Lux, Morgana and a few more heroes," he said of his favorite champions. He also said he likes to play "defensive champions aggressively."

Then, Hasan "HasanAbi" Piker asked him if "keeping his cool in the League of Legends conversation helped his political career when it came to keeping his cool in Congress."

He responded by saying that he thought it helped his political career. “Playing in Elo Hell really takes a lot of patience. You play with 12-year-olds who quit the game in five minutes, swearing, it really trains your patience. "

'Elo Hell' usually refers to lower tiers such as Iron, Bronze or, in AOC's case, Silver. The volume of outraged quitters (people who let their team down mid-game disappointment) and feeder players (those who tend to verbally abuse their teammates when things don't go well) is usually pretty high in the lower ranks, but this isn't unique to elo hell. These issues continue to plague the League of Legends community at all levels since the game's inception.

However, AOC's experience with the toxic side of its player base wasn't enough to distract him from gaming.

It's great to see such an important American political figure become a part of the community.

It would be nice to see the lawmakers in Turkey broadcast on any game.

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