Top 5 Ultimate Abilities in Valorant

Every Ultimate ability in Valorant is powerful, but some are much more useful than others.

Capabilities are what make Valorant more than just a typical FPS game. There are basic abilities, abilities to buy, and ultimate abilities gained. Superior abilities in Valorant can turn the tide of battle. They can gather intelligence, do serious damage, or offer an escape route. Every Valorant agent has an ultimate ability to use. They all have different mechanics and different effects. He currently has five ultimate abilities that can be considered the best in Valorant .

Top 5 Valorant Ultimate Skills

#5 - Satellite Attack

Satellite Attack is Brimstone's ultimate. Brimstone, ValorantIt is a controller agent in . Satellite Attack certainly allows the map to control its location. Affects a large area and traps enemies to kill them or force them to flee. This can open sites and give the team and itself an advantage in a way no other talent can.

#4 -Viper's Lair

Viper, other Valorantalmost never used compared to its agents. His ultimate ability, Viper's Lair, is still one of his best. It can lock all lanes. Viper's Lair sends out some toxin that covers a large area. It stays for the entire map unless the Viper is out of it for more than 15 seconds. It can be used to prevent a mid-attack, hold certain areas, or restrict a team's access to a specific area. Using this ultimate ability by minimizing the threat to Viper players from inside enemies is a surefire way to win the round.

#3 - Breathtaking

Breathtaking skill deals massive damage. Top Raze players, a ValorantThey can gain the Breathtaking ability multiple times throughout their game. As a Duelist, Raze's job is to collect the pieces, and his rocket launcher definitely helps. When combined with an Explosive Bag, players can literally fly around corners towards an enemy. If he's holding multiple angles, his Breathtaking ability will be enough to neutralize them easily. He can clear corners, block entrances to the area, or eliminate enemy players as Raze sees fit.

#2 -

Cypher the Neuron Thief, Valorant at its bestone of the agents. The skill set revolves around information gathering and territory control. His ultimate ability is superior to most of them. The Neuron Thief needs a previously killed enemy to work. That's the only downside. After finding it, Cypher tosses his hat over the corpse, revealing any remaining enemies. This is useful at any time of the tour. He can decide where the team will initially apply pressure or where he can come from. The Neuron Thief ability is the best intelligence gathering ability in Valorant .

#1 - Iridescent

Iridescent is an ultimate ability of Phoenix. Phoenix is ​​a top ValorantHe's an agent, and that's because of his abilities. Talent gives Phoenix more or less a second life. A marker will be placed to respawn after being defeated or the timer will run out. Before respawn though, he can do whatever he can before using the ability. While in the Iridescent state, Phoenix can use this ability to give opponents a hard time, grab a weapon from the enemies he kills, and try to neutralize a few more people. Considered to be the best ultimate ability in Valorant.

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