Teamfight Tactics Champion Selection Chart

Many players make frequent champion choices when playing Teamfight Tactics. In this article, we have listed how to make more effective choices and the rates of these choices. Details are in the article.

Strategy is the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to Teamfight Tactics . The right strategy and tactics bring victory. Being in the top 4 positions in any game means you have won against your opponents . If you are competing in a ranked match, you will receive points if you complete the game in the top 4 places; If you complete the game at rank 5 or below, you will lose points. Therefore, the tactics and strategies you will apply are very important. Let's take a look at the important points that will lead you to victory together. 

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►  Teamfight Tactics 11.9b Balancing Patch

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Tactical Wars Selection Chance Chart

Strategy is the backbone of Tactical Wars ; It is the biggest factor that will benefit you on the way to victory. With the right team composition, it is not as difficult as it seems to establish superiority over your opponents. However, as the team composition alone will not be enough, it is also very important to choose items, position the champions against your opponents and follow the game.

On top of all this, many Tactical Wars players are having major problems raising their champion level. If you play with a weak champion, you will be vulnerable to your opponents. Each champion is allowed a certain number of appearances in the game. You can see the levels and numbers of these champions below.

If you understand what we have said so far, you will likely experience a performance increase. Now let's talk about a mistake that many players make frequently, but you should definitely not make. Players generally think that the game is about searching for champions. This is a very common and critical error, since the resources you use while searching for champions will be very useful in the later stages, so it will not do you any good to consume all or some of them. Of course, there may be exceptional cases, but many games do not experience these exceptional cases, so we have exemplified them based on a general opinion. Accumulating your resources and storing these resources at the end of each round over 10 Gold, 20 Gold, 30 Gold, 40 Gold and 50 Gold allows you to earn extra gold. As you raise your champion levels, Depending on the champion and your composition, you have a chance to find it during the search. You can view these odds ratios in the table below. Click for Tactical Wars New Set 5 General Details .
-1 coin2 Coins3 Coins4 Coins5 Coins
Level 375%25%--
Level 455%30%15%--
Level 545%33%20%%2-
Level 635%35%25%5%-
Level 719%35%30%15%%one
Level 815%20%35%25%5%
Level 910%15%30%30%15%

You can search for champions according to the table above, and the percentages in this table are also indicated in the game. If you use your resources correctly and strengthen your squad according to the search rates and levels in this table, the victory will be inevitable. We wish you good games. 

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