Teamfight Tactics 11.9b Balancing Patch

With the arrival of the new 11.9 patch and Set 5 brought to Teamfight Tactics, some balance issues have emerged. The developers fixed these issues with the 11.9b stabilization patch. Details are in the article.

The new Set 5 was introduced with the 11.9 patch, the latest update of Teamfight Tactics . Set 5 was first tested on PBE servers and presented to players. After some testing and adjustments, Set 5 was almost balanced. Teamfight Tactics As a result of the discussions made by the players on social media and community pages, it was argued that some champions were much stronger than other champions. In the early or late game, it was stated that the battles did not have enough equality as certain champions were too strong. As a result of the reviews made by the developers, some champions and classes were adjusted. You can view these edits below.

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Teamfight Tactics Balancing

Endless reports from players on social media and community pages, as well as to Riot Support , have led to some champions and their classes being re-examined. At the end of the review, the developers provided balancing on certain origins and champions. After the balance changes, the developers took the game under review and if necessary, a remake will be provided. You can view the edit notes below;

♦ 1 Coin Champions

♦ 2 Coin Champions

♦ 4 Para Champions

♦ 5 Para Champions

At the end of these arrangements, you will now have the opportunity to play more balanced and stable. Of course, you can always provide feedback to Riot Support for any further enhancements that may occur. In this way, the developers will check this feedback and provide the necessary updates if there is a problem.

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