Steam Sets A New Record

Steam, 18 milyon eş zamanlı kullanıcıyı geçti.

Steam  has set another record. For the first time ever, it surpassed 18 million concurrent users. Steam is growing fast. It increased to 16 million in October 2017 and 14 million in January 2017. Apart from these numbers, let's not forget that there may be people who log in and do not play games.

Steam 's public data shows that the number of people logging in simultaneously has reached 18.4 million. The critically acclaimed Battle Royale game PUBG was the most popular game on Steam today, with 2.9 million peak concurrent users.

Valve's free-to-play DOTA 2 was the second most popular game to date, with around 765,000 peak concurrent players.

In August of last year , Valve released new statistics on Steam , including 33 million daily active players and 67 million monthly active players . Valve also announced that it has added 27 million new paying members since January 2016. This reaches nearly 1.5 million in the last 18 months.

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