Riot's Giant Dr. for 2022. Mundo Shared His Changes

To keep it in line with the Season 12 meta champions, Riot introduced Dr. He's planning major upgrades for Mundo.

Dr. Mundo VGU (Visual Gameplay Update) was in 2021 and Riot plans to change its kit once again. Dr. Mundo rework wasn't as successful as Volibear and Fiddlesticks VGUs. Old reworks like Volibear, Poopy, and Fiddlestickshave solidified their place in the meta, but Dr. Mundo failed to make an impact in the current meta.

Top lane Dr. Mundo has a win rate of about 51 percent in sub Elo. But as we climb the ladder, Dr. Mundo's win rate has dropped significantly. Struggling in lane and ranged matches, Zaun's Madman isn't well equipped to deal with drain tanks like Aatrox. It also doesn't have enough sustain to survive most matches. So much so that it looks pretty bad as it had a 48 percent win rate last patch.  


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Riot, Dr. Plans to Strengthen Mundo

Currently Dr. Mundo is more of a midgame champion. His early game is weak and his final game is not what fans want. It doesn't fulfill the fantasy of an "unkillable" tank towards the end of the game. That's why Riot plans to strengthen its early-game sustain and end-game damage.

The changes were posted on Riot Twin Enso's Twitter.

Pondering some Dr. Mundo changes, looking for any feedback. Goals:
1) Minimally/don't change winrate
2) Make him more late game skewed and less early game
3) Reduce earflicks (feelsbad kit messups)

— Riot Twin Enso (@Damascus_Glenn) August 2, 2022

Go Wherever It Wants (Passive)

Shock Therapy (W)

Concussion (E)

Overdose (R)

After the changes , Dr. Mundo will lose some of his AD early, but will gain more AD as he gains health. His passive E, along with Majestic Hydra, will help him duel enemies late in the game. Health scaling and health regen also increase in late game. W changes will help keep your lane going, as you don't have to hit an opponent to regenerate health. Mundo's ultimate will also receive some healing buffs.

These are some good changes and very in keeping with the late game theme of being "unkillable".

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