Riot Games Says LoL Meta Is Under Change

LoL has undergone some major changes over the past year, meaning its meta is more volatile than ever and needs more work than Riot.

The current League of Legends meta is the product of multiple game-changing updates that have left the MOBA in a somewhat awkward position for many. In the midst of the MSI 2023 chaos, League of Legends executive producer Jeremy "Brightmoon" Lee has made some clarifications for the current state of the game.

It was inspiring to meet so many League of Legends players and fans this week at #MSI2023 We are all players ourselves on the team but being with you in person just hits different. Thanks for being so welcoming London ❤️

— Riot Brightmoon (@RiotBrightmoon) May 21, 2023

The meta feels like it's in a constant state of flux, with the stamina update giving some pretty heavy nerfs to one-shot assassins, as well as Aurelion Sol's mid-scope update that awakens a long-sleeping titan. Even though the LoL 13.10 patch has made extensive updates to the ADC and support items, things still seem to be uncertain.


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Producer Lee made a brief statement on the subject;

I think the current game situation has changed a bit. I can say that there are exciting strategies and interesting team compositions that players can apply, especially from what I have seen in MSI. Surprisingly we saw Annie so often!

With MSI approaching this year, we've spent some time focusing on jungle diversity to see more appropriate champion picks, and I think we've done pretty well with that. However, I think we didn't do well with the diversity we hoped to see in the lower lane.

The meta is something that is constantly evolving in League of Legends every year. One of the reasons we're remaking the mid-season changes is because we think there are opportunities the game can really take advantage of, and we don't want to wait for them. An overview of topics such as ADC items, supports and assassins, and early gameplay. These are the main areas we're considering making some adjustments to mid-season.

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