Overwatch released a new version that comes with 15 skins

What could be better than starting the game with a few skins?

Along with plans to celebrate Overwatch 's second anniversary game, Blizzard has announced that a new version of the hero trigger is on the way. Here's what we know about Overwatch : Legendary Edition .

The Legendary Edition launches on May 22, the same day as the new Anniversary event kicks off. It's only released digitally, so you won't find it in stores. Comes with the main game and 15 costumes. Blizzard says it only includes " Legendary, Epic, and Origin skins ."

This pack is designed for those who don't have the game yet and want to buy it. If you're not sure if you want to pick up the game, Blizzard is also planning to host another free weekend event on PC , PS4 , and Xbox One . This will be available from May 25-28 and will offer access to most of the game for Competitive mode.

This era will introduce new costumes and cosmetics, bring back old Brawl mods, and add a new map.