New World Fast Leveling Techniques

Click here to find out what you want to know about fast leveling tips, basic attributes, weapon categories and crafting skills in New World.

The New World leveling and character creation system is different from the open world games you are used to. New World does not contain character classes for players to choose from. Instead, you use the weapons and armors you want to level up and get stronger in the items in that group. Therefore, at the beginning of the game, you should determine the path you want to go and choose your items well. Sometimes you can get confused as there are a lot of character “builds” to go in the game. Fortunately, there are a lot of weapons that you can try and see the gameplay. How does the New World level system work? Let's see how you can level up fast in New World.

New World Quick Level Up Guide

We said that leveling up in New World depends on equipment and gameplay style, not class (character class) system. You may find yourself blowing fire on zombies with your wand or scattering the crowd with a giant axe. While this versatility allows you to create the character of your dreams, it can be a sign that you have limited time to carefully choose your weapons early on.

In the New World level system, not only your characters and weapons are upgraded. At the same time, you can unlock different abilities as your Crafting and Gathering level increases. The New World craft system is the production and resource gathering mechanics in MMO games that we are familiar with. As you gather resources and produce, you unlock new features. When you spend your time in the game to collect resources and produce, you can level up and gather faster, and you can increase the properties of the items you obtain as a result of your productions. There are three variants of leveling up in the New World.

Basic Ways to Level Up

There are so many activities in New World that you can get lost in. That's why New World has divided the ways of progress into three. These progression paths are included in the game as Attributes (Attributes), Weapon Mastery (Weapon Mastery) and Trade Skills (Craft). Although it may seem complicated for new players, it is actually a system that makes your progress in the game feel better. Let's take a look at the three rows and their features.

New World: Attributes (Basic Attributes)

Every action you take in the game contributes to your character's overall level, giving you XP (Experience Points) so that when you level up, you gain some xp to use your Attributes . You may be familiar with these scores from other MMOs or RPGs. These attributes have a direct impact on your maximum health, mana, ability uses, and damage dealt. There are five types of basic qualities in the New World and they are listed as follows;

You start each attribute with 5 points and your Attributes points increase as you level up. You can reset the points you give to these qualities until you reach the 20th level and try as you wish. A great way to find the gameplay style that suits you!

New World: Weapon Mastery

Increasing the character and attributes level in New World will only get you so far. That's why you have to upgrade your skills as you use weapons, in short, you must become a master of weapons. It's actually part of Weapon Mastery New World's reward system. As you focus on a certain weapon group and use that weapon, you can increase its level and have new, active or passive abilities in that weapon category.

For example, if you add points to the Strength attribute, the damage you deal with the sword and shield combo will increase. But if you do not actively use the sword and shield, you cannot access special abilities.

New World Weapon Mastery categories;

There is no shortcut to leveling up weapons in New World, you must fight and kill as many monsters as you can. Find yourself a place where the players are absent and the monsters prowl. Enjoy loads of Weapon Mastery XP if you're sure they're close to your level .

You can gain a maximum of 19 xp for each weapon skill tree. So you can't fill every skill tree even if you wanted to. But since New World doesn't limit players to the weapons they use, you can master any weapon in the game!

New World: Trade Skills

Unlike Attributes and Weapon Mastery, the Trade Skills side is perfect for you to spend a quiet and peaceful time in the New World. These abilities are also divided into three as crafting , refining and gathering . We talked about Trade Skills and its advantages in detail in our previous article. Click to take a look.


►  New World Crafting Guide: Gathering, Crafting, Crafting


You can focus on your trading skills to avoid fighting with players and clashing between clans. Focusing on these abilities is also a great way to create new items and fill your bag with gold.

Quick Leveling Tips in New World

Leveling up fast in the New World depends on your actions. The more you do, fight, collect and produce, the more your skills will increase in those areas and the level of your character will increase.

There is so much to explore and deal with in the New World. Explore as much as you can. Thus, you will witness how your character develops. In the New World level guide, we have mentioned the fast leveling techniques as clearly and precisely as possible. If you want to learn more about this huge world, stay tuned!

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